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Participate in research into the use of software architecture patterns


The Laboratory of Software Engineering and Verification of Innopolis University programs conducts research on the use of various styles (patterns) of software architecture.

We collect information about software development projects in which you participated in recent years: what techniques were used, which architectural patterns they followed, and how satisfied they were with the result.
We are interested in receiving information about the state of affairs in the IT industry in Russia and the post-Soviet space.

The survey will take you no more than 10 minutes .
Your participation in it is confidential, data is collected for purely research purposes.
We warn that the language of the survey is English .

To participate in the survey, click on the link: arch2015.questionpro.com

You can take a survey several times for different projects.
Please share the link with your colleagues who may be interested in participating.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256289/

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