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DevCon 2015: announcement of the third wave of conference speakers

Dear friends!
I am pleased to inform you that the tickets for the largest Microsoft DevCon 2015 conference were sold out a month before the start of the event ! We observed a huge interest in the conference and continue to work on making DevCon 2015 the most noticeable and interesting event of the year.
Today we are glad to present you the next third wave of the DevCon 2015 conference speakers and to open for you some topics and the next details of the technical program of the conference. Earlier we have already announced several dozen DevCon 2015 speakers, a description and detailed information about their reports can be found in this and this article .

First of all, we are pleased to once again welcome Sergey Olontsev , one of the few owners of the highest Microsoft Certified Master certificate in SQL Server, at the conference. Sergey will present at the conference a remarkable report on the internal structure of SQL Server 2014, as well as present a separate exclusive workshop for the participants of the conference “ Optimization of performance in SQL Server up to the 2014 version and using examples ”!
Another great guest of the conference, not for the first time, will be Larry Lieberman - product manager of the Windows platform, Microsoft, USA! Larry, like last time, will come to DevCon 2015 in order to share with the conference participants the latest innovations of the Windows platform for developers, which will be presented at the Build 2015 conference! Larry Lieberman will make two reports at DevCon, we will reveal the topics of his speeches immediately after the Build, follow the news on the conference website.

Oleg Pridyuk from Game Insight will read the next unique material based on personal experience on the topic of game development at the DevCon 2015 conference, who will speak on the topic “ Creating the X-Mercs: Invasion game - lessons learned when creating a hardcore mobile 3D strategy on Unity base for mobile phones and tablets ”.

The practical history of the Internet of Things (IoT) based on real experience will be shared by our colleague Konstantin Goldstein from Microsoft Russia and Sergey Antonovich from Quart Technology. They will give a talk on “ IoT - it's easy. Experience in using the Microsoft platform to create your own managing service. ”

Vladimir Turovtsev from Lograkon company, continuing the history of application development tools, at the conference will give an in-depth report on the topic “ Test management through requirements management - a sample of best practices ”.

Our guest for the first time will be Kirill Levchenko , a certified developer from Astrakhan and the leader of the Astrakhan .NET User Group, who will share with the audience the report on Creating a programming language and connecting it to Visual Studio”.

Our good friend, colleague and regular DevCon participant Alexei Halyako will once again come from Microsoft's European office to share their experience and experiences of their partners who are implementing sophisticated solutions based on Microsoft products. This year, Alexey will bring to the conference a report on the topic “The Council is good, but the matter is better - building of recommender systems based on cloud technologies ”, which will be devoted to the actual topic of building recommender systems.

Surprise! Sergey Pugachev - the most experienced speaker, a favorite of the public and a regular participant of Microsoft conferences, who recently went to work for Google, nevertheless will come to DevCon to speak with us on the “ Cloud backend for Android without any extra effort ” where he will share effectively integrate popular technologies from Google and Microsoft.

And finally, we are delighted to welcome our colleagues from the Microsoft Ukraine office, Victor Tsykunov , Director of the Department of Strategic Technologies and Margarita Ostapchuk , an Information Technology Specialist, to the DevCon 2015 conference. Colleagues will participate in the nightly hackathon on the Internet of Things as experts and mentors of teams.

Below you will find a detailed description of each of the conference speakers.

172790_10151243987332922_641083290_o Larry Lieberman

Product Manager, Windows Platform, Microsoft, USA

Larry Lieberman (Larry Lieberman) has been using the Microsoft development platform for 14 years, and the mobile application development platform for 10 years. He heard that once mobile technologies will conquer the world. Currently developing seven mobile applications, but they have not yet been published. She lives in Seattle, Wash., And has a four-year-old daughter in her free time.

olontsev Sergey Olontsev

Lead Database Developer, Kaspersky Lab, Russia

I started working seriously with Microsoft SQL Server since version 2000. During this time, Sergey had to deal with a very wide range of tasks both in administration and in database development. Winner of the Microsoft Certified Master certificate and MVP awards for SQL Server, regularly gives reports on SQL Server both in Russia and abroad. The main areas of specialization are: building HA / DR solutions, identifying bottlenecks and optimizing performance, ETL, designing high-load systems.

levchenko Kirill Levchenko

Developer, Agent Plus, Russia

Certified Solution Developer (MCSD) on the Microsoft platform. Since 2012 he has been working in Agent Plus as a developer of cloud solutions on the Azure platform. Leader of Astrakhan .NET User Group.

pridyuk Oleg Pridyuk

Evangelist, Game Insight, Lithuania

Included in the team of strategic partnership Game Insight. His task is to promote the company on the market as a leader in the development of modern high-quality three-dimensional games. Before joining Game Insight, Oleg worked for six years at Unity Technologies, working with hundreds of developers and publishers around the world as a specialist in mobile platforms, as well as an IT evangelist.

SergeyA Sergey Antonovich

Expert in the development of embedded systems and software systems, Quart Technology, Russia

Expert in the development of embedded systems and software systems. He led the development of hardware and software of the industrial system for monitoring environmental parameters. Since 2012, he has been working at Kvarta Technology, managing issues of interaction with manufacturers of embedded solutions on the subject of operating systems of the Microsoft Windows Embedded family. Actively involved in the development of software products - from the collection of requirements to the maintenance of the finished product on the customer side. Currently, the core technology interests include developments on IoT topics - from hardware implementation to implementing projects on the Microsoft Azure platform.

turovcev Vladimir Turovtsev

Business Development Director, Managing Partner, Logrocon, Russia

Experience over 20 years. He worked in management positions at CBOSS, Paragon Software, IBS, SITRONICS Telecom Solutions, SberTech. He went from programmer to top manager, led development, testing, maintenance and consulting, software production in large international teams, worked on quality issues and Customer Satisfaction, reengineered software production life cycle processes. Member of the Microsoft Development Directors Club. Leading teacher of the International Higher School of Business "MIRBIS" (institute).

Khalyako Aleksey_205 Alexey Khalyako

Program Manager Customer Advisory Team, Microsoft, Germany

Alexey has been working at Microsoft for over 15 years. He worked in the SQL Customer Advisory Team, focused on building complex and large data warehouses in areas such as well-known European telecommunications companies, air carriers and other industries. The experience gained in these projects is reflected in various articles that are published on sqlcat.com and msdn.microsoft.com, as well as in the reference architecture of the Fast Track, in the development of which Alexey took part. At the moment, Alexey is also working on projects related to analytics and data storage in the cloud, built on Big Data, SQL Azure DB platforms, using Machine Learning platforms, such as Azure ML, R. Alexey is a graduate of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University).

spugachev Sergey Pugachev

Technical Advisor, Google, Russia

Since the end of 2014, he has been working for Google Corporation, supporting partners in monetization platforms. Prior to that, he worked for more than four years at Microsoft. The author of books on developing applications for Windows and Windows Phone. He made presentations at numerous conferences, including all DevCon, TechEd Russia, Patterns & Practices Summit, etc. In 2009–2012, he was Microsoft MVP (Microsoft Most Valuable Professional).

Viktor Tsykunov photo-Tsykunov

Director of Strategic Technologies, Microsoft, Ukraine

Director of the Department of Strategic Technologies at Microsoft in Ukraine. Microsoft Cloud Expert. More than 10 years working in the field of information technology. For the last eight years, he has been working at Microsoft for various positions in product marketing, corporate sales and technical consulting.

photo-margo Margarita Ostapchuk

Information Technology Specialist, Microsoft, Ukraine

Information Technology Specialist. He works in the department of strategic research at Microsoft in Ukraine. The main areas of specialization are development for Windows 8, Microsoft Azure, Windows Phone. Engaged in an audience of developers and technical students.

About DevCon 2015

The fifth anniversary conference will be held May 20-21, 2015 . The format of the conference remains unchanged - this is a country-day two-day event at a natural resort in the near Moscow region, and everything is included in the ticket price for the conference:

During the conference, we will offer you more than 50 reports on current development topics - from development tools, mobile platforms, to corporate practices, web and cloud technologies. In addition, master classes are waiting for you on both days of the conference and, of course, the traditional hackathon “Night of coding” ... Follow the news of DevCon 2015!

Registration for the conference is completed, all tickets are sold!

Details about the DevCon 2015 conference can be found in the following articles:

See you at the conference,
DevCon 2015 team.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256285/

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