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Learn to think-2 (my observations)

Do we know how to think correctly? Maybe it is worth learning how to use the resources of our brain not by 3-5%, but by at least 30-50%? Yesterday I posted a translation of tips for effective thinking with lifehack.org. And in this post I want to share my own convictions.
I will not skimp on a long, tedious article, I’ll just describe some of the principles that helped me to grow in my time. They themselves are not the key to effective thinking, but indirectly contribute to more productive brain work.
1. Develop observation. Try to notice, think about, analyze as much as possible - while walking around the city, while reading a book, even while watching TV. So you can remember much more. After all, the brain lays in the memory of the first impression, rather than dry facts.
2. Be inquisitive. Do not be ashamed to set aside time for self-education, hobbies, reading books or web resources. The wider the interests of a person, the easier he learns something new, the more likely that he will be able to synthesize knowledge from different areas and offer a fundamentally new idea.
3. Think positive. By this I do not mean to always think only of the good. Problems can not be avoided: you just do not need to dwell on them, they need to be solved! Having got rid of troubles, it is not necessary to return to them mentally. This affects not only our mood, but I directly on physical health (if you are interested, you can read materials about sanogenic thinking). Try to think about others as best you can, and gradually they will become so in your eyes! Do not wish evil to anyone, even mentally. It seems to me that if people could read one another’s thoughts, they would be much happier and more benevolent.
4. Expand your vocabulary. Sometimes the knowledge of a single right word can replace a series of descriptions and conclusions.
5. Try as much as possible to communicate with people who are somehow smarter than you. It is like nothing else spurs self-development.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25625/

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