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What they say 100 million letters: Complete instructions for working with email newsletters

Translator's note: Earlier in our blog, we published material with tips on the design of email newsletters , based on an analysis of 22 million letters, and also told about how certain email parameters affect its performance according to statistics (including Runet ). Today, we present to your attention an extensive guide on email marketing, which was created by analysts from the Vero marketing company based on an analysis of 100 million emails.

Today we will share with you the results of a study of more than 100 million letters that we sent to customers by e-mail.
We have processed the information obtained from the analysis of this set of email messages and formed five smart email marketing techniques that you can use to increase the efficiency of work in this direction. You will learn which points to pay special attention to and how you can track the results of your work.

We are ready to find out what type of email is most efficiently used, on which days of the week you can get more clicks on the links on your site, how often emails should be sent, as well as learn other information related to sending data and techniques you can try. on practice?

1. Context is the main weapon of e-mail marketing.

Once upon a time, when we first created Vero , we published this image:

By this, I wanted to show that preparing emails based on user behavior is an ideal way to generate revenue and increase conversion rates on your site. In addition, service reports are a great marketing tool.

Two years later, these theses received unconditional confirmation. Below is a graph comparing the link conversion rate and the opening rate for newsletters and service messages, based on a study of over 100 million messages.

The transition rate of service messages is 42% higher than that of newsletters. For every hundredth click on the link in the letters from the newsletter, there are 142 link clicks from the service messages.

Why? Context.

Context is the main component of e-mail marketing. Your customers must naturally understand what they are getting your messages for. Despite the fact that they subscribed to the newsletter, users need to know after what action they were sent an email. Did the message arrive at the right moment when they were shopping? And what exactly should they do after receiving the letter?

Let's look at an example of an email with a great context.

If you want your users to rate the product that you sell on your site, you can send them a similar message:

"Hello! Thank you for purchasing PRODUCT X, we would appreciate if you leave any feedback! Follow this link to fill out a 5-second questionnaire. ”

Most likely, you received such letters, is not it?

But the question is, was there any motivation to do something in response to such letters? Most likely no.

In any case, you can create an e-mail, with a link from which users will be more likely to go, and, at the same time, you will not have to think long about the context. Consider a wonderful example of a message prepared by Amazon's heads of scientists:

This e-mail is excellent, because its subject is directly related to the request in the address bar and the action performed by the user on the site.

The basic structure of this letter is excellent in itself. Instead of forcing the user to fill out a questionnaire on the site and perform unnecessary steps, the message allows him to directly give a final assessment of the product.

This method of simplifying the actions required of the user helps the Amazon site achieve better results.

Newsletters and service messages are applied in parallel, but if you want to seriously improve the effectiveness of e-mail marketing, it will be useful to do the following steps:

  1. Consider at what stages of the conversion funnel for your site you can send more service messages or messages caused by user actions. At these stages, the messages will have a “built-in” context (for a start, the period when the visitor becomes your client is perfect).
  2. Think about how to make your posts more specific. How to help your subscribers do the action you need in one step?

Tips on preparing messages with the right subject

1. Analyze the “buyer's path”

If you have not heard of the “ path of the buyer ”, then this picture will help to get a general idea of ​​this concept. It is connected with the analysis of the thinking process, which is carried out by the client, starting from his acquaintance with your products and ending with the moment when he becomes a buyer as such.

The names of the stages are staggered, starting from the bottom left: 1) the user does not know about the product and has no problems; 2) awareness of the problem by the user; 3) definition of need - wishes are opposed to problems; 4) receipt of proposals; 5) analysis of the proposed options; 6) the choice of the best option; 7) making a purchase

It should be at every stage of the client's life cycle to automate your actions that will motivate the user to perform the next step. The example of a message from the Amazon site above is remarkable for the fact that this message is a service one and is designed so that the user makes purchases again and / or shares information with other people (good reviews guarantee more books sold to other potential buyers).

Welcome letters, letters with instructions for novice users of the service, letters with recommended products, reminders are all excellent examples of messages that you can send in response to user actions. We have gathered in one place some good ideas that have been developed over many years, and if you are interested, check out our great e-mail marketing instructions throughout the customer's life cycle.

2. The subject line determines everything.

The content of the topic is not a fundamental element of e-mail marketing, but it is extremely important. However, what people usually do not take into account is that the name of the letter actually consists of three parts:

Here’s what the subject line in Gmail looks like today:

And so it looks on mobile devices:

It is important to consider the following three points:

First: In the sender field must indicate information about someone or something familiar to the addressee. Joanna Wibi often recommends that you also include your name and company name.

Second: Try to create a letter subject with a universal context. Let's take as an example a marketing letter from Priceline:

The underlined text in the screenshot: “About your fast trip to Kanab, Utah ..”

This letter is suitable for any time and relevant for any place, and it is provided with just a couple of words. After reading the subject of the letter, you think that it should be worth it to open it. This is how a properly composed letter theme works!

Third: The first few lines of your letter should be meaningful and attractive to the user when displayed in the mail program window. It makes no sense to waste space in a text box, posting phrases like: “Watch online” or “Link to our logo”.

2. There is no perfect method for sending electronic messages.

When we analyzed the letters sent out on different days of the week, we expected to see particularly different numbers on certain days, or at least on weekends.

However, the data is not cheating.

We found that, regardless of the day of the week, e-mailing rates, such as the opening rate and link navigation rate, remained relatively constant ( according to Pechkin’s data from Runet’s data , Monday shows slightly better results, but overall mailings on any day of the week are about the same ).

This information may seem rather unusual, but there are two convincing theories that can explain it:

General understanding

General understanding that users are less likely to use email over the weekend. This means that for a small group of companies that still use mailings on weekends, the conversion rate of the recipient of the letter into the person who read it will be higher, since fewer letters arrive at the weekend [ and they are more likely to read the few that they will be sent to them - this is relevant only for those users who actually use mail on weekends - approx. trans. ].

Notification letters are always up to date.

Many of the letters that we analyzed were sent automatically as part of the mailings in response to user actions. Electronic messages of this type - and that is why they are so effective - always have a thematic relevance, since they are generated in response to subscriber actions. Why the user received the letter is much more important than when he received it.

Given the above, of course, there are situations in which the fact on which day of the week the mailing is carried out really matters. In her remarkable article, Sandy from Quibb talks about how she has been able to keep the opening rate above 50% for a long time. One of the secrets of her success was revealing that her subscribers did not actively use email over the weekend.

With this information, she canceled the mailings on weekends so that the opening rate of each letter remained high. Similarly, you should analyze the performance of your mailings and make the appropriate decision.

In general, good tips for sending emails at the right time will be the following ...

Tips for sending emails at the right time

Be flexible in your decisions

Who do you sell your products to single mothers, 16-year-olds, or managers of IT firms? Each of these user groups has a different day schedule and they use email differently.

For a start, it is best to put yourself in the shoes of your customers and gradually improve your results by analyzing the values ​​of the metrics.

3. Frequency of distribution is directly related to how often users expect to receive emails.

Simply put, the more messages you send, the lower the link navigation rate will be.

According to the results of our study, we found that firms that send one letter per week achieve a click-through rate of 6.54%. Those who send two letters a week have a coefficient equal to 5.45%, and those who send three or more - 4.76%.

The difference between these numbers may seem insignificant, until you consider that as a percentage the difference between 4.76% and 6.54% reaches 37%. Overall, the difference is huge!

Below this data is presented in the form of a graph:

These figures are due to the fact that companies that send messages that the user expects to receive, will be more likely to succeed. When you tell customers that you will send them emails every day, they begin to wait for these messages.

Consider as an example a message from the Quartz publication, in which they promise to send letters to users every morning.

Screenshot text: Subscribe to Quartz daily news. This is the best news reviews for talented business people. Our team of reporters from all over the world will provide you with an overview of everything that is happening on the Internet and prepare for the future day.

Or a HelpScout message in which the company clearly promises to send you letters every Wednesday:

Screenshot text: “Subscribe to the newsletter. Become one of 50,000 subscribers and get a new article every Wednesday ”; text below: "No ads, no tricks, the ability to unsubscribe with one click"

When HelpScout acts in accordance with its promise to send a strictly defined number of letters per week, they, in essence, provide for themselves. Over time, this allows you to achieve excellent indicators of clickability, which are held at this level constantly.

Consider an example of the message below, from which you can understand how serious HelpScout is to keep its promises. The letter contains the promised article, and also meets the stipulated condition “no advertising, no tricks”.

So, the first conclusion is this: it is necessary to explain to subscribers, what actions they should expect, and after - to act in accordance with their promise. As a result, you will be sending out on a specific system, which over time will lead to an increase in clickthrough rates and income levels!

After analyzing the statistics even deeper, we determined that e-commerce companies generally achieved greater success if they sent subscribers several emails a week. In particular, a tangible difference in performance is observed when comparing a newsletter consisting of one letter per week and two letters per week. On average, the link conversion rate for sending one letter per week to subscribers was 7.8%, while companies sending two messages per week sought to increase this figure by 27%, that is, the conversion rate was 9.94%.

This is a classic example of what you need to always check any assumptions yourself. It is obvious that, in accordance with the characteristics of most e-commerce mailings, increasing the number of letters sent in this case leads to an increase in the conversion rate. In general, e-commerce mailings contain either one product offer, or many such offers. Since regularity is very important in this area, which ensures a high level of sales, in this situation it is easy to conclude that a higher number of sent letters leads to a higher conversion rate.

Starbucks is particularly effective in using advertising campaigns. They send several messages a week with suggestions related to a specific time and date. Since the company makes attractive offers that are beneficial to customers, this brings high rates of discovery and referrals, as well as sales directly in the company's stores.

The text of the sentence in the letter: “Please yourself in the afternoon with your favorite drinks. Come after 14:00 and earn 2 bonus "stars" for any drinks from Frappuccino to our new iced tea Teavana "

After analyzing the data, we determined that, both for newsletters and for automatic messages in response to user actions, the indicators begin to decrease when sending more than three letters a week. Consider the data for automatic mailings:

This example also shows that there is a tendency for the conversion rate to decrease with increasing frequency of emails.

Newsletters in general have a lower conversion rate: companies sending users one message per week achieve an average level of only 2.52%.

Tips from a specialist for choosing the correct email frequency

1. Keep subscribers aware of everything

You should gain the trust of subscribers by explaining to them how often you will send e-mails, and then strictly follow these agreements. Over time, this will ensure user confidence in you and increase all your e-mail newsletters. It is always helpful to keep customers informed!

2. Do not send messages more than three times a week.

We are convinced that three letters per week is the maximum frequency of mailings for high-quality e-mail marketing. In most cases, this is true. There are exceptions (for websites of daily sales, or when sending e-mail notifications), however, there is generally a decrease in the effectiveness of mailings when sending three letters a week. You should always test your own new techniques, but this initial rule holds true for all.

4. The length of the letter does not really play a special role.

If you have ever done writing texts, then you probably wondered: “Which is better - a short or long text?”

Great question. And what is the answer to it? At least in the case of emails, everything will depend on the specific situation. Here are reliable data:

Note: this data is collected on the basis of the analysis of letters containing links, with the exception of links to unsubscribe.

The main conclusions from our research can be reduced to two theses:

  1. The length of the letter and its type depend on your audience and the product you are selling;
  2. You can significantly increase the effectiveness of mailings by changing the number of letters sent, their type, as well as the number of images they contain.

Moreover, you can gain the trust of subscribers no matter how long your messages will be: it all depends on the subject of the letter and its relevance to users, as we mentioned above.

We were not able to analyze a sufficient number of letters in order to make absolutely accurate conclusions, however it is extremely unlikely that the above data would contradict the information that could be collected by examining the sales of absolutely all companies.

A popular opinion is that in order to sell more expensive products, you need to make longer promotional messages. Should SaaS companies planning a more serious business prepare longer texts for promotional emails? Should firms providing this or that information do the same?

Keep calm and keep writing your lyrics! Our data shows that a long letter text has a minimal effect on increasing clickthrough rates and conversions. Those who seek to succeed as quickly as possible could spend their time more profitably doing something else.

Only if you have already managed to optimize all the parameters of your mailings, it makes sense to experiment with different lengths of letters, starting from what product you sell. Analyze the activities of other companies from your line of business to find good examples to follow.

5. An image is worth a thousand words (sometimes)

One of the most popular questions I’m asked about e-mail marketing is whether to use images when writing a letter.

Great question, Watson.

At first glance, the use of images is:

... however, this does not mean much. But we will get really interesting data if we construct the dependence of the conversion rate on the number of pictures in the series of mailings. Thus, we get the following results:

This data already says a lot. In all cases, the conversion rate on the links above, when the letter contains images, and a series of mailings with five images allow you to get a lot more transitions than a series of mailings that used one, two or three images.

The likely reason for this is that most e-mails "from companies to customers" contain images. Take as an example a series of mailings in which more than five images were used.

In this case, it is easy to see that the client makes more clicks on links, thanks to the large number of product choices in the message. This is a particularly good example of mailing, in which images perform a specific task. When sending such letters, images play a big role, as the user can see the goods sold. Customers want to see the cameras they are going to buy, and this provides much more link clicks than just text describing the devices on offer!

At the same time, it is more efficient to compile offers from one company to another company using one image or just text. Consider a good example of a mailing from Help Scout, which helped them to achieve a percentage increase in the rate of clickability:

They found that when sending electronic messages from one company to another, the long text and a large number of images in the letter reduced the conversion rate on the links, as they led to the loss of the recipient’s interest. In this case, it was questioned that the images reduce the value and originality of the message: the presence of a multitude of pictures prevented the achievement of the ultimate goal - to attract users to familiarize themselves with the company's blog.

Ultimately, the secret is that you take into account the interests of your customer and check your ideas for consistency. You sell clothes - then it makes sense to use images. , — , .

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256245/

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