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The law on "personal data" will lead to an increase in the volume of the data center market in Russia?

By 2018, the volume of the market of commercial data storage and processing centers in Russia can reach a figure of 26.3 billion rubles. The forecast of the analytical agency iKS-Consulting indicates the possibility of increasing the number of racks in commercial data centers up to 48.3 thousand in three years. Now the number of racks installed is exactly two times lower. As for the volume of the market for commercial services of data centers in Russia, this figure was 11.7 billion rubles last year. This is 20.4% more than in 2013. Another analytical agency, PMR, calculated the total number of commercial data centers in the Russian Federation for 2014 - now there are 175 of them.

According to many experts, one of the key factors for the growth of the domestic data center market in the next few years will be the legislative framework of the Russian Federation, namely, the Law N152-FZ “On Personal Data”. According to this law, all telecommunication companies operating in Russia must store and process personal data of Russian citizens in the country.

“This will definitely lead to an increase in the required computing power, some of which will be located in commercial data centers and cloud providers. But any information system consists of many applications interacting with each other, and the relationship between them can be quite complex. In this case, companies are faced with the need to choose - either to give the entire system to the provider with all the attendant risks, or to refuse the benefits of using cloud services. It is easy to guess that the choice in this case usually does not add up to the advantage of commercial data centers, ”commented on the situation of Cisco for business development in the data center sector, Dmitry Good.

According to experts, in the near future several more new companies should enter the market of domestic DCs. “The changing legislation in the financial and banking sectors, as well as the growing competition in the telecommunications industry and retail trade, will push an increasing number of companies to use the services of commercial data centers,” said representatives of iKS-Consulting.

Currently, almost all market players assess their own capabilities for transferring data from citizens of the Russian Federation to Russia. It can be assumed that foreign companies will not massively build their own DCs - most likely, such companies will take power for rent. And the construction of new DCs is a prerogative of Russian companies, which will be able to get additional profit due to the factors mentioned above.

“One of the best options for IT to ensure business resilience in this case is to rent computing resources based on current needs. By creating its own IT infrastructure, a business gets redundancy for 3-5 years. By renting resources, only consumed power is actually paid. Redundancy tends to zero. This leads to cost optimization, ”says Alexander Troshin, Technical Director of Mango Office.

“Speaking of the qualitative changes that are already visible, we can note the decline in demand for high-end systems and the growth in demand in the medium-size storage segment. The choice of storage systems is influenced by three main factors: the highest importance is given primarily to the level of efficiency provided by each specific product (that is, the ratio of capabilities and performance to the cost of the solution), second for importance for most organizations is the level of service offered by the manufacturer, and Finally, the third key point is the cost of expanding the capacity and performance of storage systems after the acquisition, ”said the head of the corporation department. Dell's Proactive Solutions in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Central Asia, Mikhail Orlenko.

Companies will be able to save through the use of economical equipment, which is both energy efficient and does not cost too much. It can be chiller cooling systems and many other elements of the DC infrastructure, without which a modern data center cannot work.

Anyway, now one thing is clear - the domestic market of data centers will develop and grow, and at a very active pace. And it is desirable for domestic companies to pay attention to the opportunities that are now emerging.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256233/

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