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CLRium: continue the tour of the cities. Ekaterinburg and Peter

Hello! Not so long ago, CLRium # 2 was completed in Moscow, which brought together quite a few - 380 developers , which is 3.8 times more than last year! For me, this is a big victory: it means that last year everyone enjoyed it, and in this we made great topics for reports. About how everything went and what conclusions I drew before the St. Petersburg conference I want to tell in this article.

But for starters, I would like to say that despite the fact that there were overlays, it seemed to me that, on the whole, everything went perfectly, for the most part people liked it, and the reports turned out so cool that I decided for myself that there was a reason to visit something else half a year left for me. But first things first.
Immediately links to the event website and photos of the Moscow meeting .

About jambs

Actually, there were only two punctures on our side:


The biggest overlay was the broadcast. But, as far as I know, with the broadcast always and at all overlays. But we could still avoid them. We were going to FRIA City Hall, which is famous for its most powerful Wi-Fi. However, having gotten used to the fact that wi-fi, regardless of laudatory speeches of various landlords in his direction, constantly strives to fall off, the operator asked to put the laptop from which the broadcast to the wire went. That was the mistake: the first 20 minutes, the audience watched from time to time falling off the broadcast channel. We guessed to outweigh the wi-fi, we did not immediately, but as soon as we guessed, all the problems disappeared.

The laptop did not fit

The second problem we encountered was that the speaker Pavel Avsenin suddenly had no laptop. Well, yes, one of Asus’s latest laptops (I don’t mention them at all, most likely by surprise) couldn’t spill a picture from the screen into HDMI. And so I had to urgently set up the environment on my personal laptop, and give it to Paul. As a result - I lost the feedback from the Internet visitors.

The rest is just a positive experience.

About reports

Andrey DreamWalker Akinshin gave a truly cool talk in which he spent three hours telling us about CoreCLR internals, RyuJIT bugs, CLR desktop bugs and the new ASP.NET And the report turned out to be the coolest not because he well from innovations, and scolded MS far and wide. And he scolded the cause! Three hours of feyspalma. I am sure that you would not hear such a thing anywhere. After each performance, the visitors did not release it all the time off - and in a direct dialogue it was possible to pick up no less interesting information.

Pavel pavsenin Avsenin came out on the second day of the seminar and made a memory profiler for us no less heroically from complete scratch. This may seem like a lot of toys to many, but the ability to write the core of such a profiler and programmatically search for leaks, knowing the structure of the application, is a super tool for a true professional.

I chose three topics to speak at once. First, it was Shared Objects (objects that exist simultaneously, physically, in several applications at once). I was scolded for him that he said too quickly and as a result - not everyone understood how it works. I will definitely correct and Peter and Yekaterinburg will work a deeper report. The second report was “Clone Flows”. This report is my pride. Not even the report itself, but the project itself. After all, I dreamed of realizing it about 10 years ago. But just now, having gained experience, I was able to do it. He was not in the announcement and told him only because at the end of the first day, when he asked the audience if they had read my article about it, I learned that there wasn’t. To some extent it was a mistake to tell about him, because Because of further problems with the laptop, Pavel did not leave time for a big report on Roslyn, which made it a bit shorter.


What conclusions did I draw from this? Of course, take into account the blunders and make in St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg better and cleaner. And secondly, after reading the reviews, I realized that I was afraid to read them in vain: people were very pleased with the time spent, which means that the CLRium # 3 will be!

By the way, we received the Startup package on megamozg.ru from Habrahabra. And that means, we will be laid out there, telling how we are doing our conferences. You may well want us to help you.

Announcement of conferences in St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg

May 17 - in Yekaterinburg and May 29-30 - a series of CLRium seminars will take place in St. Petersburg . This means that very soon our hall, provided by Luxoft , will be ready to host almost 300 interested developers . Also appeared payment in PayPal !

Andrey DreamWalker Akinshin


Pavel pavsenin Avsenin

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256201/

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