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RAD Studio XE8 World Tour in Kazan, St. Petersburg and Tbilisi

Dear friends!

As you probably already know, we launched a new version of RAD Studio - XE8.
Traditionally, we begin a series of events in support of this release.

This time we will start at Kazan IT Park on May 19, then move to our R & D home in St. Petersburg on May 21, and the end of the tour will be in sunny Tbilisi on May 28.

The program will have a lot of content about the new features of XE8 and you will learn how:

• develop modern applications for iOS x64 and Android L;
• Accelerate the development of cross-platform applications with new capabilities of the designer of a single interface and preview tool on different devices and form factors;
• use the new components of MapView, ImageList, WebBrowser, etc;
• increase the efficiency of developers' work and improve the quality of the code with new features of code optimization, dynamic syntax checking, metrics, code analysis (Castalia);
• track and analyze the model of user behavior in the created applications (AppAnalytics);
• create applications for Internet of Things and Beacons;
• balance IT infrastructure with new mobile services capabilities (EMS);
• perform code testing (DUnitX) and display realistic motion (Box2D)

Limited number of seats!
Participation in the event is free!

Registration and additional information:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256187/

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