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Google, eBay and AliExpress will store personal data of Russians on servers in the Russian Federation

Google, eBay and AliExpress have agreed to store personal data of their Russian users on servers in Russia, said Alexander Zharov, head of Roskomnadzor, at an extended board meeting on Monday. He recalled that from July 1, 2015, a federal law enters into force, according to which the deployment of servers on the territory of Russia is mandatory, and from September 1, a law will begin to act to oblige Russians to keep data inside the country.

“The new requirements have caused a wide public response, but Roskomnadzor held a number of meetings with the business, explained the basic terms and discussed the main issues of concern,” explained Zharov. - As a result, companies such as eBay and AliExpress have already agreed to fulfill the requirements of Russian legislation. Google, as I know, also intends to comply with these requirements. "

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256181/

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