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How to assemble a robot with your own hands in 6 hours and become the soul of the company

Now, few people remember, unfortunately, that in 2005 there were Chemical Brothers and they had a wonderful video - Believe, where a robotic arm was chasing the video around the hero.

Then I had a dream. Unsatisfactory at that time, since I had not the slightest idea about electronics. But I wanted to believe - believe. 10 years have passed, and just yesterday I managed to assemble my own robot manipulator for the first time, launch it into work, then break, repair, and launch into work again, and in the process find friends and gain self-confidence.
Attention, under the cut spoilers!

It all started with this set (hello, Master Keith, and thank you for writing in your blog!), Which was almost immediately found and selected after this article on Habré. The site says that even a 8-year-old child can assemble a robot - why am I worse? I just try my hand the same way.

At first there was paranoia

As a true paranoid, I will immediately express the concerns that I initially had regarding the designer. In my childhood, at first there were good Soviet designers, then Chinese toys scattered in their hands ... and then childhood ended: (

Therefore, from what remains in the memory of toys, it was:

And, finally, a lesson that was learned from Soviet designers:

What can I say now: knowingly in my favorite Believe clip, the main character sees fears where there are none. None of the fears was justified : there were only as many details as needed, they all approached each other, in my opinion - ideally, which very much lifted the spirits in the course of work.

The details of the designer are not only perfectly suited to each other, but also that the moment is thought out that the details are almost impossible to confuse . True, with the German thoroughness the creators put aside the screws as much as needed , so losing screws on the floor or confusing "which way" when assembling a robot is undesirable.


Length: 228 mm
Height: 380 mm
Width: 160 mm
Assembly weight: 658 gr.

Food: 4 batteries of type D
Weight of lifted items: up to 100 grams
Backlight: 1 LED
Control type: wired remote control
Estimated build time: 6 hours
Movement: 5 collector motors
Construction protection while driving: ratchet

Locking mechanism: 0-1,77 ''
Wrist movement: within 120 degrees
Elbow movement: within 300 degrees
Shoulder movement: within 180 degrees
Rotation on the platform: within 270 degrees

You will need:

Important! About fine details

Speaking of "cogs." If you are faced with a similar problem, and know how to make the assembly even more convenient - welcome to the comments. So far I will share my experience.

Equal in function, but different in length, bolts and screws are quite clearly stated in the instructions, for example, in the middle photo below we see bolts P11 and P13. Or maybe P14 - well, that is, here again, I confuse them again. =)

You can distinguish them: it is written in the instruction which one is how many millimeters. But, firstly, you will not sit with a caliper (especially if you are 8 years old and \ or you simply don’t have it), and, secondly, you can only distinguish them as a result if you put them together, which may not immediately come to mind (I did not come, hehe).

Therefore, I will warn you in advance if you decide to assemble this or a similar robot yourself, here’s a hint:

Also, in any case, do not throw anything away until you finish the assembly. In the bottom photo in the middle, between the two parts from the body of the "head" of the robot - a small ring that almost flew into the garbage along with other "scraps". And this, by the way, is the holder for the LED flashlight in the “head” of the grip mechanism.

Assembly process

Instructions are attached to the robot without further ado - only images and clearly cataloged and labeled details.

The parts are convenient enough to bite off and do not require stripping, but I liked the idea to process every detail with a cardboard knife and scissors, although this is not necessary.

The assembly begins with four of the five engines included in the design, which are a real pleasure to collect: I just love gear mechanisms.

We found the motors neatly packed and "stuck" to each other - get ready to answer the child's question why the collector motors are magnetised (you can immediately in the comments! :)

Important: in 3 of 5 motor cases, you need to drown the nuts on the sides - in the future we will put the bodies on them when assembling the arms. Lateral nuts are not needed only in the little engine, which will serve as the basis of the platform, but in order not to remember which case is better, drown the nuts in each of the four yellow cases at once. Only for this operation will need pliers, in the future they will not be needed.

After about 30-40 minutes, each of the 4 motors was equipped with its gear mechanism and body. Everything is going to be no more difficult than in childhood “Kinder Surprise” was going to, only much more interesting. The question for attention to the photo above: three of the four output gears are black, and where is white? Blue and black wire should come out of its body. The instructions have it all, but I think it’s worth paying attention to it again.

Once you have all the motors on your hands, except for the “head” one, you will proceed to assembling the platform on which our robot will stand. It was at this stage that I understood that it was necessary to act more thoughtfully with screws and screws: as you can see in the photo above, I didn’t have enough two screws to fasten the motors together with side nuts. the depth of the already assembled platform. I had to improvise.

When the platform and the main part of the hand are assembled, the instruction will offer you to proceed to the collection of the gripping mechanism, where it is full of small parts and moving parts - the most interesting!

But I must say that this spoiler will end and the video will start, because I had to go to a meeting with my girlfriend and the robot, which I could not finish, I had to take it with me.

How to become the soul of the company with the help of a robot

Easy! When we continued to build together, it became clear: it’s very nice to assemble the robot yourself. Working on the design together is doubly pleasant. Therefore, I can safely recommend this set for those who do not want to sit in a cafe for boring conversations, but want to see friends and have a good time. Moreover, it seems to me, team-building with such a set - for example, building two teams, for speed - is almost a win-win option.

The robot came to life in our hands as soon as we finished the assembly. To convey to you our delight, I, unfortunately, cannot speak in words, but I think many here will understand me. When the construction that you yourself assembled suddenly begins to live a full life - this is a thrill!

We realized that we were terribly hungry and went to eat. It was not far to go, so we carried the robot in our hands. And here we were waited by one more pleasant surprise: the robotics is not only fascinating. She also brings together. As soon as we sat down at a table, we were surrounded by people who wanted to get acquainted with the robot and collect the same for themselves. Most of all, the guys liked to greet the robot “for the tentacles”, because it behaves really like a living one, and first of all it’s the same hand! In short, the basic principles of animatronics were mastered by users intuitively . Here's what it looked like:


Upon returning home, an unpleasant surprise awaited me, and it is good that it happened before the publication of this review, because now we will immediately discuss troubleshooting.

Having decided to try to move a hand on the maximum amplitude, it was possible to achieve a characteristic crack and failure of the functionality of the motor mechanism in the elbow. At first it upset me: well, a new toy, just assembled - and no longer works.

But then it dawned on me: if you yourself just collected it, why did it become? =) I know very well the set of gears inside the case, and in order to understand whether the motor itself broke, or the case was simply not well fixed, you can take out the load from the motor and see if the clicks continue.

It was here that I managed to feel like a real robot master!

Carefully dismantling the “elbow joint”, it was possible to determine that the motor runs smoothly without load. The case went out, one of the screws fell inside (because its motor was magnetised), and if we continued to operate, the gears would be damaged - the characteristic “powder” from the erased plastic was found disassembled on them.

It is very convenient that the robot did not have to disassemble completely. And it's really cool that the breakdown was due to the not quite neat assembly in this place, and not due to some factory difficulties: they were not found at all in my set.

Tip: the first time after assembly, keep a screwdriver and pliers on hand - can be useful.

What can be raised through this set?


Not only did I have common themes for communicating with complete strangers, but I also managed not only to assemble and repair the toy myself! So, I can be sure: with my robot everything will always be ok. And this is a very pleasant feeling when it comes to favorite things.

We live in a world where we are terribly dependent on vendors, suppliers, service staff and the availability of free time and money. If you hardly know how to do anything, you will have to pay for everything, and most likely you will have to overpay. The ability to fix the toy yourself, because you know how each knot is arranged in it is priceless. Let the child have such self-confidence.


What you liked:

What else you need:


Collecting a robot from this constructor is no more difficult than a puzzle or “Kinder surprise”, only the result is much bigger and causes a storm of emotions among us and those around us. Great set, thanks, Dj !

In conclusion, Habr, I have a few questions for you:

  1. How would you use your own manipulator?
  2. Do you think it is possible to change or add something to the design of the robot itself, so as not to stop and continue to play?
  3. What, probably, was not considered by me in the course of assembly?
  4. Anyway, how do you review? =)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256145/

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