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Apple Watch's first successes, App Annie and Tapjoy reports, Europe vs. Google - and other news of the week for a mobile developer

Million Apple Watch sold on day one

TechCrunch, citing a study by Slice Intelligence, reports that for the first day of its sales, Apple accepted almost a million pre-orders for the Apple Watch from the United States.

As many predicted, most US residents (62%) ordered the cheapest Apple Watch Sport model.
Interestingly, 72% of all pre-orders were made by those who in the past 2 years bought at least one other Apple device. 28% of buyers, for whom Apple Watch became the first device from Apple, is also a very good result!

40% chose watches in aluminum and black, and 34% chose a stainless steel version. 23% of buyers preferred watches in silver aluminum case, 3% in black design from stainless steel.

Recall that the prices for the Apple Watch Sport start at $ 349, the "regular" Apple Watch is priced at $ 549, and the Apple Watch Edition with a gold case cost from $ 17,000.

The first buyers will get their watches for earlier the end of May, but already now many developers are ready to launch their products on the new device! Uber, Twitter, Evernote. Tripadvisor, Wunderlist and others have already made their applications, sent them to the AppStore and are waiting for the release of the apple clock.

AppAnnie Report on the first quarter of 2015

AppAnnie published a traditional report on the mobile application market in the first quarter of 2015. And we, by tradition, prepared for you a list of the most interesting of the report:

European Commission v. Google

European Competition Commissioner Margaret Vestager (Margrethe Vestager) officially announced on April 15 that Google is accused of violating antitrust laws.

The company is accused of allegedly forcing the manufacturers of smartphones to pre-install their own applications on the devices, and also demanded that they stop using any versions of their Android OS other than the official one.

Google denies all the allegations, and argue that such interaction with the manufacturers' companies occurred voluntarily and there was no pressure from them.

One of the witnesses in the case was Yandex. The Russian company said that Google demanded that manufacturers' companies refuse to install Yandex applications in favor of their own.

The case of the European Commission against Google has been ongoing for 5 years. Google is threatened with a $ 6 billion fine.

New Tapjoy Report

It is no secret that IAP (in-app purchases) work better if they become a habit for players. This idea was expressed in figures by Tapjoy in its report . The report includes data obtained for 479 applications used by users from October 2013 to December 2014 in the Pacific.

Tapjoy calls the number 3 magic for IAP monetization. According to them, if the players make at least 3 internal purchases, then the application will reach $ 1 million in revenue. 3 or more purchases.

Here are some more interesting facts from this report:

Smartphones help predict earthquake

Modern smartphones have quite impressive capabilities in terms of computational power and sensors, the idea of ​​using all this power has long stirred minds. Here is one of the first real-world applications of private smartphones.

Accelerometer, GPS and Internet access - this is enough to track the seismic activity of the earth. The only question is how to filter the multiple noise from normal use, but apparently it turned out.

The Japanese earthquake of 2011 was recorded 1 minute before the devastating shocks. A minute is of course very little, but remember that this is only the beginning and that earthquakes do not know how to predict at all. However, one minute can save many lives.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256133/

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