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The digest of interesting materials from the world of Drupal # 8


The most interesting and useful from the world of Drupal over the past 3 weeks in our eighth edition.


In Russian

  1. Accelerate the Drupal site for authorized users with the Entity cache and Display Cache modules - a new article on drup.by.
  2. From the gold fund of DRUPAL: Drupal 7 caching system ( part 1 , part 2 , part 3 ) from Spleshka.
  3. Opened filter "With photo" in the form of a single checkbox - step-by-step setting of Views from xandeadx.


Drupal lite

  1. Did you miss the long selection of modules? Mediacurrent updated their list: Top Drupal 7 Modules: Final Edition . And the most unbiased list can always be found here .
  2. Released Acquia Dev Desktop 2 , XAMP for drupalers. This program allows beginners to quickly start working on sites on Drupal, and also in a couple of clicks to transfer their local site to a free hosting from Acquia.
  3. We have not recalled Rules for a long time, and with this module you can solve completely unexpected tasks, for example, set the title of a node from the taxonomy term field .
  4. A simple snippet for specifying a size greater than 10 for multiple fields.

All for Drupal developer

  1. Drupal 7.36 released. The list of changes and bug fixes is significant, but does not affect any new security issues.
  2. If you have ever used Composer , you probably thought that it would be nice if Drupal modules could somehow be registered in composer.json and build a project on Drupal using this wonderful tool. Finally, Drupal Packagist has appeared, an overview of the features of which is presented in the article Using Composer to build your Drupal 7 projects .
  3. Many have heard about NoSQL. About the fact that Drupal 7 can be used with MongoDB, too. But what about storing JSON data in some Drupal fields? If you're curious to see the results of such an experiment, read the article Adding native JSON storage support in Drupal 7 or RDBM with NoSQL .
  4. Providing your personalization data ( Personalize and Acquia Lift module) is not very difficult after reading the article Adding custom contexts to UDFs in Acquia Lift .
  5. In the article Accessibility in Drupal Themes, the author tells how to make your topics accessible to as many people as possible, including those who have health problems.
  6. The article Connecting Drupal to Salesforce in Three Easy Steps tells about the integration of Drupal with Salesforce CRM.
  7. The cycle of articles Solr for Drupal Developers, Part 3: Testing Solr locally devoted to the installation, setting up the search dvidka Apache Solr and integrating it with Drupal.
  8. The topic of PDF generation from Drupal is dedicated to the review Decent PDF generation in Drupal . The author eventually stops at a paid decision.
  9. A couple of useful snippets when using Entity Metadata Wrapper .
  10. If you have ever sent patches to Drupal.org, you probably noticed that the process itself is quite trivial. The Drupal testbot command line tool tells about the development of a new toolkit for Drush, designed to make your life easier in this regard, at least in terms of launching automated tests.
  11. Drupal 7 is not known to be the fastest system, especially for sites with decoupled-frontend, multiple AJAX requests, complex requests, etc., that is, one that should provide services. And quite often they come in the following way: they put all the data in a denormalized form into some smart search engine, and write the Backend-service on an already different framework. In this regard, the Integrate Elasticsearch with Silex tutorial article can be very interesting, which tells about the integration of Silex and Drupal with Elasticsearch .
  12. Acquia has published statistics on issuing Drupal certificates by country . Most actively certified developers from the United States and India.
  13. Distributive distributions - it sounds a bit strange, but this is what ELMSLN is now used to create and manage educational resources. In terms of complexity and scale of customization - in the opinion of the author himself - a real work of art. The article Install ELMSLN on Digital Ocean in one line tells and shows how to quickly install the distribution on a virtually arbitrary CentOS 6.5 using the example of Digital Ocean.
  14. Finally, we will philosophize about the future under the appropriate accompaniment : reflections on the year 2020 (this is less than in 5 years) and the next experiments with the Internet of Things .

Drupal 8

  1. As you may know, the Backbone.JS and Underscore Javascript libraries are included in the 8th Drupal kernel. The publication Backbone.js and Underscore.js in Drupal 8 provides a good overview, accompanied by references to relevant literature, if you are interested in using them in practice.
  2. A brief overview of the main achievements of Drupal 8 - in terms of performance and in relation to the render array cache - ends with an elegant prototype for rendering a render tree using the renderviz library.
  3. Recently, the original service http://d8upgrade.org/ appeared , which, on the basis of parsing a page with a list of modules from an arbitrary site on Drupal 7, is trying to tell you when you can start porting the Drupal 8 site.
  4. Another publication on the theme of the theme in Drupal 8, this time is interesting focus on the use of breakpoints.

Interesting modules

  1. MEFIBS - More exposed forms in blocks
    Quite an interesting module for practicing directory creators. The module allows you to create several blocks instead of one standard for placing in them the exposed-filter Views. There is a detailed article on this module.
  2. Field lock multi values
    The module presents several useful features: 1) you can prevent the user from changing the order of elements when using fields with multiple values ​​2) you can configure so that when adding a new element to a field with multiple values, all previous elements are blocked for changes.
  3. Drusible
    Another build environment based on Vagrant and, you guessed it, Ansible.
  4. Third Party Wrappers
    The slightly exotic module Third Party Wrappers provides a URI for getting the header and footer of an arbitrary page on a configurable separator. This can be useful if your competitor is inserted into the markup of third-party sites or services. The module is devoted to the article Using Third Party Wrappers .
  5. FAQ Field
    To create the functionality of the FAQ modules and approaches enough, but not all of them have such a wonderful manual .
  6. Quicktabs
    Creating tabs via UI.
  7. Views list sort
    We manage the sorting of elements in the exposed drop-down views filters. The module is devoted to a fairly visual article .

Do you write articles about Drupal for the benefit of the community? Please contact us: Oleg Kot , Katya Marshalkina .

PS Today, Drupal-digest has a small holiday - the first issue of our mailing list is coming out. Its format is shorter and more capacious. Instead of copying the same thing here, and to you in the mail, we work on exclusive materials for subscribers only.
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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256123/

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