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Development Tools HL7 (HL7v2, HL7v3, CDA)

In this short article, not in any way claiming to be comprehensive, some development tools for different versions of HL7 and CDA are listed. The criteria by which libraries, frameworks, or related tools fall into this list are as follows: the tool should be free or conditionally free, supported by an organization or an established developer community, and preferably open source. For this reason, all sorts of good things like Trifolia or Mirth CDAPI are not listed, which many readers hardly heard or encountered, and are unlikely to ever come across, unless their own company suddenly decides to buy a couple of similar products. Also not hit, for example, HL7SDK, many HL7 editors and development tools for DICOM.

And so, in order with a very brief description.

HL7v2 Software Development Frameworks

"HAPI (HL7 application programming interface) is an open source, object-oriented HL7 2.x parser for Java . " This set of libraries can be considered the de facto standard for developing HL7v2 applications in Java. HAPI can be extended by generating its HL7 profiles. Available at - hl7api.sourceforge.net

" MWB is a multipurpose V2.x implementers. It facilitates the development of health statistics. "
MWBs are not a pure development tool. It’s rather the HL7 message model editor and HL7v2 message validation tool using these models.

The reason I included it in the list is because it allows you to create profiles used to generate classes in HAPI. For example, if the official release does not support HL7v2.7, and you really need to implement it, you can clone and change the data types and segments in the MWB, export the profiles and use them to generate classes in HAPI.

This product was supported by only one programmer. After he retired to another world and took with him the password from the encrypted part of the disk, where some source codes were stored (and also considering that he used commercial libraries that are no longer available), the development of this project stalled. There is a version ported to Embarcadero CodeGear with unknown functionality. If someone has a license for the Enterprise version of CodeGear, as well as the time and desire to spend on the revival of this product, then contact directly at sourceforge.net/projects/mwbench

On this list of development tools HL7v2 and finish. If there is something to add, then in the comments, adhering to the criteria indicated above.

HL7v3 Software Development Frameworks

β€œ Structures with remote systems. "
One of the features of the Everest Framework is that it is probably one of the few development tools that supports the Model Interchange Format (MIF) files and is probably the only one that supports MIF2. If you do not know what MIF is and how it differs from the XML schema, then, according to Grahame Grieve: " No human should ever see MIF, except for programmers, there are no human anyway ."
The framework is available - te.marc-hi.ca

Further a few means without translation of the description. I hope everything is clear, and many probably used Java CAPS.

β€œ The Open eHealth Integration Platform (IPF) is an apache camel routing routing and mediation engine. It is an application in the eHealth domain. IPF provides HL7-specific integration solutions. "

β€œ Tools for creating, editing, and viewing HL7 v3 The Eclipse OHF project has been diverted to the Open Health Tools project. "

β€œ The Oracle Java CAPS Adapter for TCP / IP” is a component of the Oracle Java Composite Application Suite (Java CAPS) that enables the TCP / IP application using the HL7 data protocol. "
With this development tool, some kind of chehord is created, so whether it will live is not clear.

It is a concept that it helps to make it possible to complete the process. Developers can be used to create interfaces, "
This and all subsequent Infoway tools are included for general knowledge rather than for real work. Their use makes sense to implement localized, and different for each province, versions of HL7v3 in Canada. Although looking at how it looks makes sense.

β€œ It is a web-based application that allows you to follow the original, standard message. "

HL7 Interface Engines

In this section, only one tool is presented - Mirth Connect - that meets the above criteria.

β€œ HL7 message integration,” designed for HL7 message integration. It provides the necessary tools for developing, testing, deploying, and monitoring interfaces. And because it’s a commercial environment. "

HL7v3 Message Validation Tools

In this section, the validation tools for HL7v3 messages.

β€œ Intelliware's Test Level 7 (TL7) is the authoritative healthcare interoperability testing platform. Canada Health Policy Infoway (CHI) sponsored format standards. If you are an individual, you will be able to find out how to use it. "

Again, this is a Canadian tool for validating local versions of some types of HL7v3 messages. For acquaintance, nevertheless, will approach.

It is a HL7 v3 message conformance test The app provides message workflow, format and content testing. "

To be honest, I have never used it, so I can’t say what condition it is.


CDA Development Frameworks

CDA development tools. Start, and finish, you can on the MDHT which is the de facto standard in this area.

β€œ Open Health Tools Model-Driven Health Tools (MDHT) "

β€œ CDA instances. MIF of the CDA specific constraints. "

CDA Documents Validation Tools

Tools for validating CDA and some derived document templates.

β€œ CDA / CCD-based specifications for developers and implementers. It can be used to make it easy to use it. "

Perhaps on this list and finish. Anyone who wishes may visit the other media page at www.hl7.org/participate/toolsandresources.cfm

Addendum: CDA Development Tools Comparison - wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=CDA_Implementation_Tools

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256115/

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