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The digest of interesting materials for the mobile # 99 developer (April 13-19)

From the new digest you can learn, for example, how to create a game achievement system, how to improve application performance, how to make plug-ins for plug-ins or to extract data from Apple devices, how to develop "family" Android applications. Have a nice spring and successful applications!

Way of Tanks. Path from idea to game

I always find it difficult to answer the question: where do ideas for games come from? But this time, I can more or less accurately say that this idea was born to me when I saw the World of Tanks banner on one of the sites.

How to create a powerful game achievement system

I was swallowed by endless data processing: game comments, posts on forums, direct communication with players, changes in game ratings. I made and continue to make a bunch of mistakes, but I also learned some invaluable lessons. And this knowledge can not be kept secret.

About the performance of Android applications

The article does not pretend to a very deep level; rather, I want to tell you that performance is not only “faster from NDK to C ++” and “save memory, but garbage collection will often run”, but this is a whole set of measures, because that performance problems do not arise when one function is slowly running, but in combination.

How much is an hour of development for iOS / Android

At the request of Dmitry Yeremeyev (InstallTracker), a heated discussion about the cost of an hour of development developed in the RADUG group.



Analytics, marketing and monetization


Digest last week . If I missed something in the search for updates, send it to the mail, I will quickly add it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256077/

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