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Phalcon 2 is out

The wait is over! Phalcon 2.0 is here!

After more than a year of development, we are incredibly happy to announce the release of the final release of Phalcon 2.0.

Those who followed the project carefully, know that this was a feat:

Results we can be proud of:


This version can be installed from branch 2.0.0, if you have not yet installed Zephir , follow these instructions:

 git clone http://github.com/phalcon/cphalcon git checkout 2.0.0 cd ext sudo ./install 

The standard installation method also works:

 git clone http://github.com/phalcon/cphalcon git checkout 2.0.0 cd build sudo ./install 

If Zephir already installed:

 git clone http://github.com/phalcon/cphalcon git checkout 2.0.0 zephir build 

Please note that when running the installation script, previous versions of Phalcon will be removed.

The DLL for Windows is available on the download page .

See the upgrade guide for more information on installing and upgrading to version 2.0.

What's next

Our release schedule provides for the release of updates every one or two months, security fixes, of course, will occur as fast as possible. The goals are simple: we want to implement the most requested features of the community.

Minor changes and corrections will be released as far as possible. We are also working on the transition to a model of LTS releases for our community.

Finally, we are going to start developing for PHP7, this is a turning point for all of us and Zephir will meet all the requirements of developers by the time of release of the 7th version. Solving this task will require a lot of preparation and we still have a lot of work ahead, but we are motivated as ever and are determined to implement in Zephir all the advantages that the new PHP will offer.

Conclusion and thanks

We are very pleased with this update and clearly see the development path of our framework. More thanks to all participants! Without you, we would not have done it. And of course, we would like to thank everyone who tested alpha / beta versions and RC, looked for bugs, wrote reports and helped in every way with feedback. We really hope you enjoy this release.

We would like to express our deep appreciation for the enormous efforts, migration and testing of the code in this version to the following people:

Thanks again everyone!
Enjoy Phalcon 2 <3

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256047/

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