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"Security" VKontakte

Here is the text found today in the news on the site vkontakte
(italics inserted his comments)

When clicking on external links found in the Contact, you can often find a message from the Contact about the possibility of downloading a malicious program. VKontakte always cares about your safety and warns you about every danger you may encounter on the network.
or rather, that any link in the contact bears potential harm! Oh God! Do not click on external links

When you try to download a malicious program, you will be warned two times: you will receive the first warning from the Contact, the second from the operating system.
The operating system will start terribly slow and buggy, and then it will give an error that it is time to activate!
Please note that you can get such links by any type of communication - by email, by ICQ, through chat rooms and forums.
and even from space! So wrap your head with foil.

Although VKontakte does not allow an attacker to place viruses and cannot even contain malicious programs theoretically, we are closely monitoring your security in this regard. Of all the major Russian-language resources, only VKontakte warns you about a potential threat when clicking on an external link to a third-party site.
worship "vkontakte" and pray for him. And we need VICTIMS !!!

If you are attentive to such warnings, your computer will always be safe. In addition, we closely monitor such activity and eliminate all malicious mailings during the day.

If you are interested in how to even more secure your computer from malicious links, you can follow these guidelines:
1. Accept your OS suggestions for installing security updates.
2. Use the FireFox and Opera browsers, minimize the work in the Internet Explorer browser.
3. Use only those sites that care about your security, such as VKontakte.
immediately delete all bookmarks and also forget about sites like habrahabr!
4. Use the scanning systems of worms and viruses.
5. If you urgently need to download a third-party link, first click the Exit button in the Contact.
as well as reboot your computer, turn it off and turn it on, and generally open it on your neighbor’s computer
6. Carefully follow all safety warnings you receive.

In general, in my opinion, they wrote some kind of nonsense.
What do you think?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25601/

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