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SkillsWiki Conference: .NET-developer through the eyes of employers in Russia and abroad

Very soon, on April 29, 2015, a free SkillsWiki community conference on professional development will be held at the B2B-Center office.

Program reports:
  1. “.NET developer skills through the eyes of American and Russian employers” - Alexey Voronin, NVision Software Solutions.
  2. “What do you get paid for at work?” - Alexey Kosarchuk, Positive Technologies.

What is waiting for you at the conference? You will learn what skills are required from a .NET developer in the US market. You will be able to assess whether you are keeping abreast of the times. Do knowledge and skills alone determine the level of your wages, or are there still important factors that determine your value from an employer's point of view? How to talk with your employer about your growth and salary increase.

Register for a free SkillsWiki conference: http://skillswiki.timepad.ru/event/193115 .

A detailed description of the conference is given below.

SkillsWiki free community conference on professional development on April 29, 2015, visiting B2B-Center

Are you a developer? Often you ask questions of professional development, for example, how to become a leading or an architect? How to grow in career? How to earn more? Will my salary increase after learning a new technology? What skills to develop? What skills are needed? Explore the new technology in detail, improve the English language, or work on communication skills? How to acquire the skill? How to learn what you have never done before? If such questions bother you, join us and we will look for answers to professional development issues in the SkillsWiki community together .

Recently, we conducted a study on the demand for skills and salaries of .NET developers from Russian employers, as told to the IT community at Habrahabr ( http://habrahabr.ru/post/248163 ) and .NET developers at the Go # Moscow conference ( http: //wp.me/p5n7k3-7 ). And now we will try to go further: we will try to understand the reasons for the demand for certain skills by employers. This will help us invited experts from leading Russian software development companies.

“Skills of a .NET-developer through the eyes of American and Russian employers” - Alexey Voronin, manager of NVision Software Solutions.

Alexey Voronin will show the results of a new study of the demand for skills and salaries of .NET-developers, but now from the point of view of American companies. What .NET-developers are in demand abroad? What are the skills and salaries? Why are other skills popular among Russian employers?

“What do you get paid for at work?” - Alexey Kosarchuk, Positive Technologies manager.

But does geography alone determine the skill requirements of employees? So in Moscow, the requirements for developers vary greatly from company to company. What exactly are employers looking for in their employees? What are they willing to pay employees any money for? This will tell Alexey Kosarchuk.

Is .NET not your area of ​​interest? Probably you are a Java developer? Or a tester? Maybe you are a manager? We are waiting for you at the meeting, because the issues of professional development raised in the community do not depend on technology. Skills and your professions will soon be presented to the community for discussion and will be topics for upcoming conferences.

Below is a video of our report “Rating the skills of a .NET developer” from the last Go # Moscow conference.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255987/

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