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And again about karma

I looked here, considered it, and came to the conclusion that self-regulating communities like Habra (in the ideal case, that is, without the intervention of the administration) due to karma can destroy themselves.

The essence of the problem is that any person who has collected +5 in karma has the opportunity to increase / decrease karma to 5 users per day.

I explain on an example: 5 users are registered,
on the 1st of them we type +5 we raise the karma by the 4th rest,
on the second we type the missing 4, plus the rest

we just need +15 votes from outside users for karma,
if we recruit them, we can arrange the "Carmolavine" effect, i.e. register users in unlimited quantities with the possibility of voting. If you manage to gain a critical mass of pseudo-users (their karma will grow in proportion to their number), then you can leave the opportunity to write only to these users.
Of course, this will not work in the existing system due to the intervention of the administration, but I think the problem is taking place, albeit on a smaller scale.

I cannot offer anything in return for karma, but maybe someone will think up something more interesting.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25596/

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