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How I came to the Internet ...

This is my first topic in the community of habr-people and just karma lovers), in connection with which I ask you not to judge strictly and at least not minus the habra-cub. I will dedicate the post to what I understand, so as not to surprise the good Khabrarians with the foolishness of some personal thought, although in this case I am not insured)
It all started in the deep childhood of a simple boy, in whose hands, in a strange way, books of various science fiction writers fell (not to be confused with fantasy), while being still naive, he believed that it was something like an adult fairy tale. But, in a strange way, science fiction books of the 19th and 20th centuries became like a revelation to him, he suddenly began to realize that 90% of the things described in them had already come true !!!
Then for the first time, when he saw how his father displayed an old black and white photo, how the image appeared, how it was fixed, I thought: after all, even here, the past is a fixed photo, the present is the moment when the image is fully manifested, and the future is what is already on paper. So the future is not yet visible, although someone in the red light can see it earlier !!
But time passed, and yard companies with parties, girls and wine drove off strange thoughts, showed: catch the present until it smears or until it becomes the past ...
In order not to completely turn off on the way of rampant and debauchery, our young man decided to nibble a bit of granite of knowledge and chose quite real tech-stuffed tech-stuff. Not really looking up from the girls and not missing a party, to his surprise, he graduated from a techie so that he got on the tower (student slang = HEI). And there, already, with varying success, he finished his granite, caught up with the girls, settling on one that was drawn to by breaking all the laws of physics ...
The sobriety of life was not long in coming, it suddenly turned out that there was not enough dough, even for the one that he had left for himself and those rare parties that of course suddenly began to walk on a triple sweep ...
I have two! diploma, exclaimed the boy, and the distribution has not been canceled! Yes, he quickly understood from the distribution that he had to dodge, and suddenly unknown men began to come home, who offered to take him for 1.5 years of life and at the same time check his loyalty to his girlfriend. The boy was confused, but in drunk coumara, at the next paruska, in the arms of the girl, he decided: “I’m a guy and I have to decide what appears on my photo” (do you remember his thoughts about times before?), Uncles and the door to the castle, but himself to her friend (until finding a reason to refuse uncles officially). Instead of a plant on the edge of the country, the last news from which was several years ago, a letter of guarantee from the state institution of the capital, which does not like the soul of this young man and is ready to take part in his fate and the dean not to forget his native university.
Well, I must say that by applying a small impulse, the guy saw how suddenly everything changed, and the way out of the everyday impasse that would have driven many into depresnyak (although the other half would have been on the drum) was found. And they explained to the uncles intelligently that they were looking for the wrong thing and some kind of work, but not at the edge of the earth for their workday, and the girl, though already spoiled by that time, but still her own, well, there’s a lot more that ...
Why all these fables will be asked by most of the curious, who have read this far? And all to the fact that as soon as something settled down, an animal living in almost every one of us, who has little, woke up and did not want to calm down in any way. Dough is not enough, the car is old, there is no own corner, the girl also lacks something ... What to do? - Search for loot!
Second job? - principles and ego, saying that if there are 2 works, then what for all this, described above, is happiness. One highly paid? Great, but what about the fucking distribution and who is this shelter (in the place of job change) shelters is problematic ... Then combine one with what else! Ok, and what is on this: free time and the Internet!? ...
Well, many of you are familiar with the following: climbing the sites of “homeless”, searching for the “loot” button, “freelancing” is diverse and it's not to mention pennies for viewing websites and clicking banners - is it funny? And, that they themselves did not buy at the beginning on BABLO and HALYAV, they did not look for real ways to throw casinos and other “100%” types of earnings in nete? If not, then you are either lucky or you are promoting it all. :)
So my tireless residents of Habra, the thought of times and photography was remembered again by the kid, and you know what's new added to his idea - the memory of how dad was not pleased when our young man, the boy then, drew water on photo paper, leaving your mark! So maybe you can learn and make something of your own! Squeezed so promising long conclusion kid. Well, the boy decided - the boy did!
What he did appear in the following habratopic, but in the meantime I want to hear those who have income on the Internet, even if additional, how did you come to this?


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25592/

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