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The Japanese made a breakthrough in teledildonik

The Japanese, who in many areas have long consolidated the image of innovators, confirmed their superiority in the teledildonics, writes Wired . This term is defined as "physical sex at a distance, the transfer of human actions and emotions that characterize intimate intimacy, through virtual reality software and special technical tools."

The new development of the company Segment, called Run , is a high-tech phallus, equipped with a bunch of sensors and motors.

Its main zest is not the ability to connect to a computer, but interaction with a remote “interlocutor”, that is, roughly speaking, an electronic rubber woman. Special software works with a webcam and transmits video of each other to the participants of the Internet connection process, and artificial genitals imitate the touch of a partner or a partner based on data received from a remote machine.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/2559/

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