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New javascript tutorial engine on IO.JS in open source


Like many, I wrote only high-performance services for a long time on Node.JS, but when generators were made at 0.11 and several of my colleagues confirmed that they were working on production, I decided to make a new JavaScript tutorial on this platform.

Convenience generators for asynchronous JS-code is difficult to overestimate. If desired, it becomes “flat”, fewer letters than pure promise / async.
I wanted to make the engine fast, easy to develop and be able to run some modules on the server and on the client.

It turned out, if I didn’t make a mistake when calculating, about 24000 lines of code (without third-party node_modules).

Written by the site engine is open source. In the github.com/iliakan/javascript-nodejs repository, you can view and borrow various aspects of the implementation.

There is:
- Authorization through social networks.
- Sending mail and mailings through the Mandrill API.
- Build styles and scripts on webpack.
- Acceptance of payment through Paypal, Webmoney, Interkassi, Yandex. Money.
- Logging through bunyan
- Deploy via PM2
- Much more is needed for a real-life project.

You can see in action at learn.javascript.ru , well, or raise it locally under Mac / Linux.

The code is written by one person, and with the expectation that this one person will support it. Therefore, a minimum of documentation, and I wrote tests only where more difficult. On the other hand, if you wanted to see what a site on io.js / koa.js might look like - here it is before your eyes.

I was going to write a post about its features, basic architectural solutions, but it turned out so long that I had to abandon this idea. If you have questions, I will try to answer them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255885/

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