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“Life hacking” or “Fu, how interesting!”

To hear from Misha about life hacking is at least strange . Well, except that, something bad, contempt, and so on. I do not like everything so hyper-vigorous and hyper-energetic. Here I am such an " old school ". I don’t read books diagonally, I don’t use Google widgets, and sometimes (horror of horrors!) I spend whole days drinking and smoking. Or family. That, in terms of bodh lifehackers, is equally aimless and unproductive.

However, it is impossible not to hide from life hacking. If you do not use it yourself, you catch examples of use by others out of the corner of your eye. Sometimes you give a diva, honestly. Today, I will describe a handful of things seen, or applied in practice. By the way, it will be interesting to know whether you determine which ones belong to Misha, and which ones he looked at and described while chuckling.

Waking up in the morning, you can drink coffee, eat something, and finally awakened to get into the car. And it is possible for the <Lifehack> to slip out of the house immediately after waking up, bypassing the kitchen, and “ sleep ” at the wheel. Given that before work - an hour away, and coffee and snacks are available there. </ lifehack>
Work starts at 11:00. And this means that you need to leave in an hour and a half (even for two, traffic jams ). And it can be different: <lifehack> you can leave at six (+ the above-mentioned dosypanie ), get to the office for the desired "hour", calmly work out there anything (blog, freelance, correspondence, ikariam (just kidding, joking), watching useful video) , and at 11:00 to meet employees and the heads with a kind smile of the “ earned moron ”. At the same time, respect and some squeamish admiration for the alleged official zeal are provided, and early care home - too. Clean health. </ lifehack>

On the road full of traffic lights? No problem. <Life hacking> You can seize the moment, and approaching the traffic lights turn out to be the second (watch your hands). At the traffic light "yellow"? Forward politically correct slows down? Hit the horn with all your might! Driven by an unexplored instinct so far, he will surely rush forward, at the dawn of the destructive "red". And you will rather occupy a profitable and honorable first place, for a victorious jerk to the “green”. </ Life hacking>

The previous life hacking is a blunt bestiality , isn't it? OK. Dilute with honey. <Lifehack> We notice in the next lane an unhappy, mummy old woman (a flimsy little man on a Subaru zadripana, a girl (who is “ not clear who issued rights in general ”), a fat rabbi on a hearse ...) and, sharply, defiantly slowing down, skip. With a special wide gesture. After that, the soul (about three minutes) becomes warm and warm. As if he sheltered a dog, or gave the pioneers to the nest boxes. </ Lifehack>

At work there is (always there) a colleague, a fan of something there? Successfully, if not just a colleague, but a boss. <Life hacking> Then I could not explain, but from the " love of work " ... In the smoking room you can burst into the phrase: " yes-ah ... yesterday it was not a game, but it is not clear what it is ... " Or some other more abruptly. Fans, regardless of the thickness of the briefcase and wallet, always a little " fools ". The main thing is not to laugh at the stupidity of what is happening at the key moment (this happens with inexperienced life hackers ). Although in this case there is a way out. It is necessary in the heat of hysterical clucking, remembering out loud, team curiosity reserved for such a case. </ Life hacking>

Layfhakam with secretaries - in general there is no end. (I’ll make a reservation right away: not sex!) But the value and weight of the secretaries should not be underestimated. At the moment when you draw out your experience, knowledge of programs and languages ​​on a summary-piece of paper ... you cannot imagine that this sheet will fall not on the table of a big bison boss (with a cigar and “ experience in business, from a drummer to .. . ”), And the usual secretary. Girl-girl-aunt. Who for the sake of you, fool, broke away from the " Lines ", or, God forgive me, - "classmates." At this point, in fact, life hacking will not. This is a bonus. Write you your example. Laugh together (or cry). Together we will divide 20 wmz (not a joke).

The women's theme reminded of the non-female “tummy,” which is growing among IT specialists, as is well known, along with its own importance, years, and monitor size. So <life hacking>, before leaving the office home, we eat a diabetic loaf, tortured in a toaster (well, with cheese). At the entrance to the house we get, instead of wolf hunger - nausea (light, speculative ). Having got used to it (after the amount of training), we grieve to sleep, and enjoy a beautiful figure (with a somewhat emaciated look, but nothing). </ Life hacking>

In conclusion:
I do not like lifehacks and lifehackers. Invented " cheerfulness " and tail bound " efficiency ". Talent, intelligence and giftedness cannot be dispelled by any tricks. They are either there or life hacking .

The competition for the “ best secretarial life hacking ”, the opinions of my regular readers and my “counter-views” are in my anti-life hacking blog . All " ideas about " - I will be glad.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25581/

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