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Analysis of external links in MegaIndex and updating the procurement algorithm

In early 2015, our team launched a new indexer, which collects external links on sites all over the world. At the moment, our index has become the most relevant (the average time of reindexing pages is only 6 days).

We are glad to share new analytical capabilities that we added to the analysis service.

1. The dynamics of growth and loss of links:

2. Analysis of popular bigrams and trigrams in anchors

3. LinkRank and HostRank are now calculated for each link. These parameters can be easily sorted, allowing you to quickly select the most significant links. The HostRank and LinkRank scale is logarithmic with base 5.

4. Procurement algorithm updates
Thanks to new analytical capabilities within the link purchasing system, we have significantly improved the algorithm, which, according to our estimates, now allows us to achieve 30% more efficiency while maintaining the budget. Over the last month, 20% of the system links were re-purchased at new locations in order to increase the efficiency of existing projects. All new purchases are made already on the updated algorithm.

The procurement algorithm has a much deeper link analysis, rather than the LinkRank parameter, which is entered in the external link analysis service. This is due to the large computational resources that we can spend only on sites promoted in the system.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255789/

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