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Communication and Gameplay: exntend, two parts of one whole or even separately?

Gameplay is a thing that all gamers and game developers would have to worship. At the same time, if you rummage through the Internet and literature, there are not so many articles on this topic. Moreover, many gaming magazines esteem the need for a review of each toy to write a few words about its gameplay. The only problem is that the more you read on the topic, the more questions appear.

Having started to get more interested in the gameplay, I at some point came to the conclusion that different authors mean something different to this concept. For example, the compilers of Wikipedia almost put an equal sign between gameplay and game mechanics . While the authors on GameDev.ru equate it to interactivity . Moreover, they exclude from this concept elements such as the graphic design of the game, the engine used, or the plot component.

Game development is impossible without defining the goals and audience of the game, and sometimes also the region of sale.

Only by defining the objectives of the game, you can develop methods and tools with which, these goals can be achieved. Thus, it can be said that game design is a process that includes the development of game elements that ensure the achievement of game goals.

However, it is not enough to know the goals of the game: for example, the goal of the game can be formulated as “to teach the player to control the plane”. However, elements developed for such a purpose are unlikely to bring success to developers: the target audience of the game is not chosen, which means conceptual mistakes in development can be made, elements are mixed, accents are incorrectly placed.

Based on this, you can give the following definition of gameplay: gameplay - game elements that ensure the achievement of game goals, as well as meeting the requirements of the target audience. According to this definition, it includes the development of the following elements: game mechanics, plot, game moment concepts in general, and levels and episodes in particular, sound and graphic design, as well as the general atmosphere of the game. The same gameplay determines the interactivity of the game and how the player is involved in the gameplay.

Actually, this could stop, and everything would be fine. But ... drawing a couple of days ago for the gameplay (see below) for students, I realized that I lacked something in it. Namely, such an element of many games as “Communication” (the term “Communication” hereinafter refers to all services that enable the player to communicate with other players of the same game).

At the moment, I have stopped at this option:

But "Communication" is not for nothing circled in red dotted and is under the question mark. In the last article I already wrote that communication is a necessary and very significant part of any browser-based online game. And it is an end in itself for many players. Accordingly, on this basis, to assert that “Communication” is an extension (extend) of the gameplay.

Of course, it can be argued that "Communication" has nothing to do with the development of the game and stands apart. However, I already wrote that I do not hold to this point of view, especially in relation to browser-based multiplayer games.

In general, I was still thinking about the problem of how “Communication” correlates with the game and the gameplay. However, I still like the option with exntend the most - “Communication” may be absent in a particular game taken.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25574/

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