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Mobius conference: as in mobile devices opened the unobvious

In 2015, eight years after the appearance of the first iPhone, it may easily seem that we already know all the important things about mobile devices and the development for them: they say, it remains to study the details in more detail and introduce novices to the current developments, and there will be no more large-scale discoveries have to. But the Mobius conference held in St. Petersburg showed that there are many innovations and unobvious things, and even people who are developing mobile applications for the first year can learn a lot of new and interesting things. What exactly at the conference told?

After the official opening of Mobius, the audience gathered at the PetroCongress business center in St. Petersburg, heard a keynote from two Dmitrievs at once: the legendary Zavalishin (Digital Zone) and the security security specialist Evdokimov (Digital Security) .

The first talked about how the mobile revolution changed the world - and this could boil down to a set of banalities like “people got instant access to information everywhere,” but not in his case. Ever since time immemorial, when there was an online dz online column on the dz.ru domain instead of the Digital Zone company site, Zavalishin is able to report on technology something new instead of repeating stamps.

For example, few people come to mind that the success of a particular industry on mobile devices can mean a huge problem for this industry - and Zavalishin clearly explained that this was the case with the media. On the one hand, it is extremely convenient to consume information on the go from smartphones and tablets, this is a very promising scenario, and this consumption has flourished. On the other hand, advertisers, due to which the media live, are not ready to pay a lot for advertising on small mobile screens, and as a result money in the industry has become noticeably less.

Another unobvious thing that Zavalishin paid attention to was the following: in terms of industries, the mobile revolution helps to increase profitability not directly through the money brought, but through savings on something. For example, the gradual transition of banking to a mobile allowed “banks without branches” such as Tinkoff to appear, and this dramatically reduces costs.

A bold assumption from him was that in the case of mobile applications we are still waiting for a large-scale change in the entire paradigm. As Zavalishin noted, the “computer” Internet exists in the form of a continuum (allowing any browser to easily navigate through the links at any time), and mobile devices in a more fragmented form (several different systems, within which everything happens in separate applications that should be for start set). And, in his opinion, mobile devices later can also come to a continuum, which immediately gives them many new opportunities.

Finally, he said that he had already made his home "smart", allowing it to manage many of its components from a mobile device - but did not dare to include access to it from anywhere in the world, confining itself to the home network, because it is not safe: "here my faith in us [programmers] ends. " This was a logical transition to the second part of the keynote, in which Dmitry Evdokimov spoke about security.

Despite the fact that everyone heard about the existence of vulnerabilities and the scale of possible damage from them, Evdokimov’s experience in auditing mobile applications allowed him to point out unobvious moments in this. For example, the same vulnerability may either disappear or reappear with application updates depending on the nuances of a particular assembly - and this means that it is not enough to check the application once and calm down, this should be done on an ongoing basis.

Moreover, it is not even necessary to be a bank in order for the vulnerability in the application to be fraught with monetary problems. If it's a game with embedded payments, can something go wrong? It turns out that he can: Dmitri told about the case in which it was possible on the player’s side to replace the payout values ​​with negative values ​​in traffic and receive money.

According to him, often vulnerabilities arise where interactions with third-party people are not initially assumed, and then they simply do not think about external interference. If it is possible to remotely control loaders in a warehouse, then usually everyone is so busy with the question “how to make it an effective tool for warehouse workers”, which doesn’t even ask the question “what if an outsider takes control of the loaders”.

Finally, Evdokimov scared that in the near future with the development of smart cars that allow interacting with them from a smartphone, the problem will only become more acute: these cars are already actively working on burglary, and the attacker doesn’t even need to have a whole car for training; .

After the keynote, when everyone went into different sections, the non-obvious things did not end. For example, the report of Anton Keks (Codeborne) was devoted to the development of Chromecast for the Google set-top box - and this is a topic that is undeservedly overlooked. Firstly, more than 10 million such devices have been sold in the world (that is, this is a popular platform), secondly, Chromecast uses third-party devices to launch applications (smartphone, tablet or computer act as a kind of “remote control”), that is opens up a big new front for mobile development, and it still remains unnoticed by many. Partly due to the fact that the device appeared less than two years ago: although the mobile revolution as a whole took place a long time ago, here everything is just beginning. So the report was not a chewing of the old, but consisted of fresh information, affecting even the most recent software updates.

During the speech, Keks explained that because of the unusual approach “requires a third-party device”, applications for Chromecast consist of two parts (sender and receiver) - and demonstrated this with an example of an application written by him himself that displays photos from his home server on the TV screen. In his presentation there are links to the project itself, so that any Chromecast owner can use it for their own purposes.

The topic of mobile communication with television continued with the report by Alexander Korshak (Mera LLC) “50 shades of developing mobile applications for SmartTV” . Walking through the three competing platforms Smart TV (Philips, LG and Samsung), he stopped at the third just because of the interaction with the smartphone through the Samsung MultiScreen SDK, which allows, for example, to display additional information. According to Korshak, it may be sufficient to add a few lines of code to an existing application to give it additional features — and in such conditions, these features are clearly worth paying attention to. This SDK became available to developers only in 2014 - so the report with the presentation was more relevant nowhere.

What mobile developers should pay more attention to - built-in solutions like this or third-party consoles like Chromecast? Question debatable. On the one hand, Chromecast can be used with most modern TVs, it is not limited to one manufacturer. On the other hand, Smart TV features are available to consumers immediately when they buy a TV, and Chromecast, with its modest price of $ 30, must be purchased separately.

After that, in the main hall, Mikhail Samarin (Futurice) talked about the difference between the development of applications for large world brands - and his presentation report was unusual simply because Futurice had a unique experience in this; among its clients are Microsoft, Nokia, T-Mobile, Vodafone and other giants. Not all of them are allowed to publicly talk about the features of the process, but the fact that Michael could tell is more than enough for an interesting story.

Part of the report dealt with technical issues: if you need to make an application at the same time for iOS, Android and Windows Phone, is it better to use native, Xamarin or a hybrid application with Cordova? The answer is not obvious and ambiguous: for example, much depends on what pattern of use of the application is assumed. If it is run once a couple of days to quickly check something, you can save money, but if it is used often and for a long time, then any unsuccessful trifle will start to irritate, and native solutions, in which the specifics of each platform will be taken into account, are highly desirable.

Part of the report told about the organizational features of this development. When two giant brands decide to create a mobile application in partnership, the developer has to take into account the strict guidelines of both at the same time - which is especially difficult when one of them is offline and hasn't thought about it properly. And when the participants in the process are scattered around the globe, one has to take into account time zones, adjusting the work to a time convenient for all.

Finally, the part was with just funny situations - and then Michael broke the applause, telling a fresh story about how Futurice, on the order of Microsoft, made “MS-DOS for Windows Phone”. This April Fool's joke, sensationalized right before the conference, is not just a drawing of a classic interface, but an application that actually executes commands — with the “Easter egg” from Futurice, demonstrated to Mobius visitors.

After lunch, in the main hall, everything was continued by the report of Yuri Buyanov (“Classmates”) “Comfortable development of mobile projects” . Here, the rate was no longer on the originality of the material, but on the speaker's experience: if in small startups they can be guided by the principle “if only the code worked”, then in the scale project “Odnoklassniki” everything becomes important related to the development (from code storage to the effectiveness of interaction within the team) . And Yuri talked about all this - comparing, for example, TestFlight, HockeyApp and TestFairy as a person who is well versed in them all.

Chromecast and Smart TV - not the only case in recent years, when the familiar smartphones and tablets twa suddenly found new opportunities. Another became iBeacon - installed in certain places "beacons", interacting with a mobile device (and allowing, for example, an offline store to inform the buyer that it is suitable for a particularly interesting product). Denis Kretov (Notissimus) brought with him several “beacons” and shared his experience - from how technically with the help of iBeacon to organize a “one-click” purchase, to the fact that you can buy them cheap in China, but it’s better not to, but good cost $ 30 apiece.

Then, at once, two speakers from Tinkoff Bank , Kirill Bessonov and Artem Kiselev , spoke about analytics for mobile applications. They were helped by experience, which allows to compare Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica and Flurry on a variety of parameters. As a spoiler, you can say that Google Analytics in the summary table showed itself best - but in order to understand what suits your project better, you still need to familiarize yourself with the entire presentation . Although the whole report was serious, there were reasons to smile at the audience: for example , the use of the word smoothie in a test case clearly referred to the recent statements by Oleg Tinkov about "starters with smoothies".

Finally, the last in the main hall was a report on the most talked about segment of mobile devices in 2015 - “smart watches”. Alexey Rybakov (DataArt) was not limited to one type, but talked about development for everything: Samsung devices running Tizen, Android Wear models, and, of course, Apple Watch. Here the information is not just “proved to be relevant” - here it is obvious that a year ago such a report would have been impossible.

At this, Mobius 2015 ended - and after how much new information he brought with him, it is interesting to wait for the following: probably, in 2016 we will also be told about mobile devices that now it would not even have occurred to include in the program.

All presentations of the speakers can be downloaded on the conference website .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255725/

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