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SSL certificates, SHA-1 and nic.ru

A report six months ago that in the near future MS & Google will consider some server certificates "untrusted". As a result, in browsers the server will not be “green”, but “red”, which the customers will not like at all.


In particular, problem certificates include certificates of servers with a SHA-1 / SHA-2 signature, in which the intermediate certificate contains SHA-1 (but the root CA may contain SHA-1).

In the chain of certificates issued by nic.ru, their certificate "RU-CENTER High Assurance Services CA" just contains SHA-1 and, accordingly, all final certificates are affected.
This is confirmed by checking for:

Nic.ru support invites me to re-issue the final certification with SHA-2, I explain to them that the problem is not the final one, but the intermediate certificate, i.e. in their certificate.

Am I busting or nic.ru tupit?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255689/

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