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Anti-usability or pisses me off when ...

All of the following is just my point of view. I speak only about my feelings. There are things for which the designer (interface, system, program, project) would like to tear his hands. Because it was possible to do better ___.

I do not want to turn this topic into a flame (like "but I don't care"), but just in the comments I am waiting for your personal disappointments.

So, me and only infuriates me when ...

When I open the same file with macros in Excel and Excel asks me whether to run the macros in two different dialogs (!). He may ask “Enable macros”, and he may ask “Allow Macros to run”. Which option he chooses to predict once again I can not: the probability is about the same.

When you try to write a file larger than 4 GB on FAT32, the system says that “not enough disk space”. Apparently, there was no special error for this case. The first time I stepped on this conveniently laid rake, I cleaned the disc for about half an hour and was perplexed.

When in Playstation 3 you select “Exit game” in the menu, the default is “No”. When you select “Turn Off the System” the default is “Yes”. As a result, you need to bring up the menu, look at the screen, understand what is the case - whether you need to move the cursor or not, press the left (right) arrow and press "X" again. It's good that the button does not run away !!!

When you watch a test live broadcast on an internet sports event, the page is completely reloaded. Once I needed to update the table using a query that everyone persistently calls AJAX. Spent 40 minutes to read the documentation, write the client and server code, everything works. Well, it's super hard. But frames invisible with auto-renewal have been around for 5 thousand years. Well, how much will it take to create such an update mechanism from an ordinary web programmer? Well, maybe not 7 minutes, but half an hour. And instead of the white blinking of the whole page, there is always an account and history before your eyes This is a brand new broadcast. It is even more economical for the server! Why not do it right away?

When I download an installation from the Internet, which is a Zip-file, which unpacks the Exe-file of the installation somewhere, which is a packed set of files that will be installed and which, after launch, are also unpacked and started from there a real installer that copies all this somewhere. As a result, instead of 3 seconds to install immediately and unpacking on the go, it takes an order of magnitude (or two orders of magnitude) more and the disk is littered.

When I don’t see the button “Open the current window full screen” on the keyboard. I and most colleagues work in Windows on the principle of "many tasks, but the current for the whole window." The situation when a person wants to see two windows on the screen at the same time is vanishingly rare. Modern applications have alerts in time and you no longer need to see their window to react to background events. Therefore, when launching a new application, I (and 99% of users) will open it to full screen. How? Well, elementary - we go with the mouse from the work area up to the right, press the tiny button and go back (we will work in the window). Why is it impossible to launch all applications by default on the screen right away?

Exactly the same complaint about the absence of the “Close current application” button.

When I see the “Press Ctrl-Alt-Del to enter password” dialog, press Ctrl-Alt-Del, enter the password and only then notice that after Ctrl-Alt-Del you cannot enter the password right away - for a while the system is over thinking of something. Why does she think? She could not think? She can not get my password and then think with him? Why should I, as a moron, stare at the screen and wait for the magic moment when the password window will finally appear? This is such a game - guess how much you need to stare at the screen when you log into the system?

When I open the file in the office, I do something and close the office and the well-known window “Want to save changes?” Appears. I do not want to see this window. If I close the application, then it should silently save the current changes, but the next time I open the file, I can roll back to the previous state with one button. Everything! No more stupid questions!

When antivirus software prohibits to send by mail Exe-files. But allows - archives. In which Exe-files are enclosed. Now to run Exe from the letter you need to make two clicks. And it was - one. Are we saved? Who came up with this "protection"?

When I stick a USB flash drive (disk) in Windows and the search starts to flash first on the screen, then the action selection window pops up, etc. Well, they came up with these pop-up balloons in the tray, well, let there appear something like “New media detected. Click here to bring up the operations menu. ” Click if necessary. Why show the dialog box on top of everything?

When I go to the website of any company and I do not see the contact phone on the first page.

When I see a section on the site entitled "About Us". What is there? Way to travel? A list of employees? Autobiography of the CEO? Why is "Contact Information" visible with "About Us", so it is not about "you"? About someone else? Why it is impossible to name the section “Our employees”, “Company history”, “Our achievements”, “Our business formula”, “Our company strategy”?

When a flash is placed on a site that does the same thing as HTML: displays text, buttons, forms navigation, etc. That is, simply the designer / programmer has done a double job, got more money (not necessary), the user loads more data. Is it all done for entropy?

In general, about web design you can swear for a long time, but for now let's stop.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25567/

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