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Comparison of technical support of the largest software vendors in the field of network security

Hi, Habr! Putting aside to the side - the code will not run away. Today we will talk about the most terrible prospect of a programmer’s career, which can make even experienced IT shirkers start and hurry up to finish the unresolved code. No, you did not guess, this is not a McDonald's box office, this is technical support. About her, beloved, and will be discussed today.

So this is a review. More precisely, an overview of the availability of technical support, more precisely, technical support of key players in the market of IT products in the field of network security and control of unwanted access.

And we will begin with our field experiments. We evaluated the technical support of companies by such parameters as:

We encourage colleagues to give feedback and are ready to provide this blog for an answer.

A brief overview of technical support in various IT-companies







According to the results of our subjective tests, the best technical support is established by Kaspersky.

It is their customers more convenient to find the necessary information or get feedback.

In our opinion, the key components of a friendly and good service are:

And now, separately, out of competition, but for a pure comparison, we will describe how technical support works on our own website.

Tech Support Smart Soft: internal kitchen

Adhering to tradition, for the beginning we summarize the information:

We are glad to announce that in a month we will present the updated design of our site, the support section in it will appear in this form:

Contact section:

FAQ section:

Technical support is divided into two lines: the first line accepts and fixes applications, answers typical questions, the second line deals with more complex tasks and extended technical support. The most popular user questions are related to activating the program, setting up Windows and using Traffic Inspector.

Technical support is divided into basic and extended. Basic means simple help: give a link to reference material, help with questions of program activation, etc. Expanded is provided if the user has valid expired technical support and access to updates, as well as for users of the latest trial version of the program. Expanded support includes comprehensive assistance in solving user problems, advising on all problems and issues, solving user problems, including remote connection and attracting developers.

How does Smart Smart tech support work

Now 10 people work in the technical support service, all consultations are held from the office. Previously, we tried to use remote work, but later, to improve efficiency, we invited people to work from the office. The volume of work per employee is relatively small: on average, 25 requests per person per day. This allows us to quickly respond to requests: the response time for calls does not exceed two minutes. Our company has rather high requirements for applicants for the position of operator, which allows us to keep a high level of quality.

Mandatory Requirements:

Additional requirements for applicants:

In our company, proven employees have good career prospects. A typical example: an employee came to us in 2010 as a technical support trainee with a starting salary of 10,000 rubles. For 5 years of work in the company, he has gone the way of success from an intern through a technical support engineer, a testing engineer to the head of service.

The company also has bonuses and a salary increase in case an employee achieves high performance, partial payment of any sports subscriptions.

In their work, the support system uses the OTRS ticket system. We have open contacts with the head of the technical support department, and each user can write a complaint or ask a question personally to him. Every quarter we conduct a customer survey on the quality of our work. In the near future - the introduction of an evaluation system for each application.

The majority of user calls to our technical support come via email (50% of calls), skype and IP telephony calls (40%), the rest comes through online chat, social networks and a forum on our website. The technical support service works on weekdays from 8:00 to 18:00 Moscow time.

And, finally, the time of entrancing stories about the everyday work of the nameless heroes of the technical support Traffic Inspector:

Instead of an epilogue

Today we compared the technical support service of various major software vendors for network security and Internet access control on one of the most important indicators - accessibility. After all, how fast the client finds the necessary information on the site and receives answers from support for the missing, and his loyalty to the IT-producer depends.

Thanks for attention. Join the discussion, we will welcome your comments and additions. Tell us about the organization of technical support in your company and remember: the operator is also a person.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255623/

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