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Post Hawk. Reboot

Hello% habrauser%!

Six months have passed since the first publication . During this time, many changes have occurred in the service. New site . Modified documentation . Improved api.

Some lyrics

At the time of startup startup, everyone hopes that his idea is unique and inimitable, well, everything in that spirit ... There are many articles about this, and the statistics is harsh, only 10% of all launches are successful. Unfortunately, in my case, luck turned the wrong place ... Since only 10 registered users have passed ...

There is nobody to blame here, only himself. At startup, I was guided by the principle of minimally working functionality, but, probably, it was not enough. And the site turned out ugly ... As a result, the conversion is zero. For a while I thought and analyzed the errors. As you know: "A decisive step forward, the result of a good kick from behind." Therefore, I rallied and started on a new version of everything.

To start ordered a new design. The result today looks at you from the browser and delivers much more than the previous dull version (the mobile version is not ready to the end yet and sometimes it is muted, but work is being done). While the designer was drawing, I took up the internal mechanisms of the server. Many self-made bicycles replaced ready-made libraries, for example, gproc became the process manager, ranch connection manager , and so on. A security hole was closed when sending messages, the API was significantly expanded, and many other changes were made. I’ll dwell on api.


One of the main improvements is the ability to create / delete groups and divide them into open and closed.
An open group is a group with which you can work directly from js-api. You can add / remove users, send messages to the group without having to use your server.
A private group is a group to which you can add users only using server api, and only a user in it can send messages.


Not remained unchanged and the procedure for sending messages. Now all messages are encrypted using the AES256 algorithm by default, for its operation on the server, the openssl library and an activated module for php are required. Also, the server api function was added to send arbitrary data to any user (previously it was possible to send only to a group). The library itself has undergone a number of changes and began to implement the FluentInterface pattern .

There is still a lot of work on the service ahead, a lot of unrealized ideas in my head, many more can be improved, for example, a message queue for an offline user. Mobile and English version on the way.

The library was cleaned up, you can try a live example on the site .

Thank you for attention!
Please leave your comments and suggestions in the comments.

PS: I want to remind, unlike competitors, the service is free (everything that can be collected through donations will be sent to the Russian Fund ) and has no restrictions on the size of messages.

PPS: you can write about errors and suggestions through the feedback form on the website or directly in the repository

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255611/

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