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Android security report, a contest from Microsoft, a little more about mobile advertising - and other news of the week for a mobile developer

Mobile developers began to spend more console on video advertising

iSpot.tv in their study reported that mobile studios this year spent on TV advertising more than console studios.

It is unlikely that this news can be classified as unexpected. We already wrote that three mobile developers showed their advertisements during the American Football Super Cup and that in 2014 both the King and Supercell marketing expenses exceeded $ 400,000.

Among game developers, King, Machine Zone, Supercell and uCool have spent the most on television advertising since the beginning of the year. A total of $ 130 million was spent on TV advertising from the beginning of the year, and that is 30% of all the money spent on advertising games in 2015.
Last year, console game development companies were at the top of this list. The fall is partly due to the fact that in 2014 both Sony and Microsoft advanced their next-generation consoles. Then they accounted for 36% of total spending on advertising. Now - only 10%.

Mobile developers are increasingly entering the TV advertising market. The advertising market in the mobile web and applications is so intensely saturated with competitors and the cost of one attracted user is so high (for example, in the US, 1 unmotivated installation costs from $ 3) that developers go to develop new channels and look for new users. Apparently, this year will be a record.

Not so bad Android ...

Google has released a security report on its mobile OS. According to them, Android devices have never been so well protected. Here are some interesting facts from the report:

The results of the advertising campaign with Kate Upton

Machine Zone shared the results of their collaboration with model and actress Kate Upton. The campaign, in which Upton contributed to the advancement of Game of War: Fire Age, began six months ago. Since then, commercials showing the model in the role of a cold-blooded fantasy warrior have appeared on TV channels more than 9,000 times mainly during programs targeted at a male audience, but this is not surprising.

Think Gaming analysts claim this ad campaign
allowed to double the number of in-game purchases and bring the game’s daily revenue to $ 1 million. It sounds very good, but when evaluating performance, you should also take into account Machine Zone costs for television advertising: the company spends about $ 4.5 million on advertising every week Upton spent about $ 80 million.

The store for virtual reality games has attracted $ 1.5 million investment

Previously, noble goals for the near future were defined by science fiction writers and the military. Now they have also been joined by analytical agencies. Of course, they do not invent anything, but they contribute to it. Digi-Capital analysts predict that by 2020 the market for virtual reality games will be about $ 150 billion.

Believing in this bright future, the Wear VR company attracted $ 1.5 million investment.
It is worth noting that everything is created not from scratch, the story has been around for a year and there are more than 900 applications in it! Not much, but the devices for these games are not so widely spread.

From myself I will say that I do not really believe in the ubiquity of using existing virtual reality helmets and will wait for neural interfaces and the matrix :)

Microsoft contest

Microsoft and Chukong are holding a contest for the best application written in Cocos2d-x. You can take part, regardless of experience, conditions are not so many: you must be over 18 years old, collect the game on Cocos2d-x, apply and upload the game on the Windows Store or Windows Phone Store.

You can apply on the site . You need to have time before 8:00 GMT on May 31 .

According to the organizers, the game will be assessed equally by four parameters, such as: workmanship, appearance, creativity and originality. The site describes in detail exactly which requirements lie behind each of these words.

Prizes for the first, second and third place will be $ 25 thousand, $ 15 thousand and $ 3 thousand respectively.

Rovio won $ 4.2 million in a case against cars selling toys

Rovio discovered a new way to make money. The court ordered Toy Amazon Corporation to pay more than $ 4 million in favor of the Finns.

The conflict flared up around machines selling toys, and lasted for almost half a year. It took Rovio about this much time to prove his intellectual property rights.

Perhaps, in this case, I am on the side of the birds, although I think that it is always better to negotiate than to resolve disputes in court.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255591/

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