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Krovi: Big Data - as dream. Unplanned Series 5: Big Game. Private opinion

In previous episodes: Big Data is not just a lot of data. Big Data is a process with positive feedback. "The Obama button" as the embodiment of rtBD & A. Philosophy of the development of Big Data.

On April 11, Twitter announced the termination of its DataSift contract. It would seem, so what? In fact, this means the beginning of the Great Game, the results of which can be compared with World War III . Sounds scary? Let's place the pieces on the board and see.

We shoot the Big Data series in short series, so it is assumed that the viewers are smart enough and have a broad outlook to complete the stage and action of the main characters when they are not in the frame.

Let's place some pieces on the chessboard: USA, South America, Europe, China, Russia, Twitter, Facebook, VKontakte - and see some moves in the development of the game called “Managing the World: Social Networks and Media”.

Once upon a time there were people, they loved to listen to stories and tales about past centuries, then books about past years appeared, later newspapers with information for weeks and days, now there are social networks with data from the world in hours and Twitter in minutes. This is the limit of ordinary people (sensor people) on “publishing” and receiving information.
PS Seconds and milliseconds are computers and automata, the “humanity” of the future, but more on that in another series.

Human sensors generate the seas and oceans of media information, thousands of times larger than the "standard media" - newspapers, magazines, radio and TV. The stream of opinions, sayings of people, photo and video materials, expand, and sometimes completely change the whole industry: research, sociology, PR, journalism, marketing, transport, entertainment, etc. The analysis of social networks data allows solving “in a new way” (volumes, speed, completeness) tasks in a variety of industries. Therefore, at the beginning of the decade, Salesforce bought the Canadian analytical platform Radian6 for $ 380 million, and HP bought Autonomy for $ 12 billion. The Russian market also did not stand aside - several commercial structures have invested in research and development in the field of social media analytics.

Analytical platforms need a lot of information - diverse and multifaceted. Since the beginning of the Internet era, information from people is aggregated in various “repositories”: websites and comments, forums, blog platforms, social networks, microblogs, photo and video services. For access to South American users, American Google bought (and then "strangled") Orkut, for Cuba, the Americans created a separate "fake" social network, and China made enormous administrative government efforts to drive American social services out of the country.

Different “storages” accumulate different “types” of people and information (for example, see www.slideshare.net/Taylli01/2014-43472028 for Internet users in Russia). But for the sake of completeness, all industries need data from different repositories, and here the Big Four companies take the stage : American TopSy and gnip, English DataSift and Russian SDS / BrandAnalytics.

Each of the 4 unique systems of “collection and analysis” has its own specific features (due to the orientation to certain countries and markets, languages, types of sources, data volumes), but this series deals with a different, more global, plane:

1. TopSy - always considered a great friend of Twitter and the keeper of the archives of the latter, the companies jointly made many interesting projects, including the "prediction" of the next US president. It came as a huge surprise to the market when TopSy was bought for $ 200 million at the very end of 2013, but not on Twitter, but ... Apple . Yes, yes, the same manufacturer of the iPhone and iPad. At leisure, it is interesting to reflect on the causes and effects. Recall that the National Library of Congress also stated that tweets are a legacy of humanity and have been storing data since 2012.
2. The consequence of “withdrawal” of TopSy was followed by a quick (only 3 months) response from Twitter - the company buys gnip in March 2014 (according to market estimates for $ 240 million).
3. Thus, a year after the Apple-TopSy and Twitter-gnip deals, today's announcement about the “exile” of the English DataSift, US companies “encapsulated” _open commercial access_ to strategic data.

Pay attention to the selection in the last paragraph - this is where a lot of interesting things are hidden: for 4 years, American-British companies have sent the main developments to processing a large, but small (1-2) sources. At the same time, SDS / BA invested in the processing of top resources (including bilateral agreements with Odnoklassniki, Moi Mir and others), and tens of thousands of other sources (websites and comments, forums, blogs, video and photo hosting). A variety of sources greatly expands the possibilities and application in the vast sea of ​​needs for different areas of human activity.

Global structures (such as Samsung and HP), Ukrainian, Kazakh, German, French, companies operating in Arab countries, either directly or through agencies, are already actively using the universality of the Russian approach. After cutting off the “independent” DataSift, interest will now be even higher - the concentration of capital is replaced by the concentration of information.

UPD 12app: Colleagues from the telecom sector have recently suggested a new trend in their industry: Net Neutrality - countries are beginning to defend themselves and build a self-sufficient infrastructure, or at least more secure in the current unipolar world. The number of posts on this topic in developed countries has increased by an order in the last week.

UPD 13app: Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree according to which Roskomnadzor received the right to check the correspondence of users of social networks. In accordance with the signed decree published on the government’s website, Roskomnadzor has the right to establish the facts of receiving, transmitting, delivering and processing messages in social networks. In addition, the agency will review and analyze the resources of the dissemination organizer, record and record the actions available to users, Kommersant writes.

In the following series we will talk about the more mundane things for today: NoSQL or column DBMS, where the “Blue Giant” is swimming, where the ears of the ear are growing, that “the data are running out”.

1st series. Big Data - like a dream
2-nd series: Big Data negative or positive?
3rd series: "Obama button"
4th series. Brain revolution

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255547/

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