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Weekly assembly Vivaldi


Due to the Easter holidays and the “sudden” unpleasant regressions, the release schedule for new assemblies is a little off, but we intend to restore a good tradition to release new test versions on Mondays. But this week should not be left empty - we decided that it was better late than never. So, today we present you the assembly Vivaldi What is new in it? I'll tell you now.

One of the areas of work last week was the function of placing several pages in one tab. This function brings us nostalgic memories of Opera's multi-document interface. But, naturally, we are doing this in the light of new realities. So, we have added a special button to the status bar that allows you to place several pages vertically, horizontally or tiles. However, this button appeared in the previous build, but you could only use it when working with a group of tabs. Now you can use the same button to place tabs of your choice in a single window.

Another small improvement is an indicator showing unread background tabs. It was also presented in the previous Easter assembly, but we worked on improving this feature. Perhaps, outwardly, this is not very noticeable, but inside we rather thoroughly worked on the code.
We also worked on fixing bugs and improving the shortcut set. In particular, you can now use this feature on error pages. Another noticeable fix is ​​that now using the Ctrl + left key combination in text boxes will not move you back through your browsing history. Well, at least we hope so :-)

Of course, we worked not only on the above functions, we also dealt with a lot of other problems, big and not so much. You can read more about the list of fixes below, but for now we suggest you download a new build:

Full list of changes:

That's all for today. We remind you that the weekly assemblies are test, so do not forget to backup important data. You can report any errors found at the same address .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255505/

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