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RIAA got on the nose. Cheap, only 108k

In December 2004, the RIAA, practicing the tactics of intimidating Internet users participating in p2p networks, filed a lawsuit against a single disabled mother from Oregon. She was accused of downloading from the network and distribution of heaps of songs, estimated at $ 750 for each song.
Unlike other users who received such accusations and agreed to a pre-trial settlement agreement with the RIAA (you have more money and we don’t judge you any more. Let me remind you that such charges are made from 500 to 800 each month) Tanya Anderson went to court .
They wrote about this earlier, and probably you had heard about this case, because it was one of the first such cases that reached the court, if not the first one.
At that time, the RIAA was absolutely unable to prove anything, although she tried to blame not only the woman herself, but also her 7-year-old daughter, and the case was closed for lack of evidence.
After that, Tanya filed a retaliatory claim against the musical association, accusing her of causing moral damage to her and her family, as well as along the way in deception and extortion (for which there are special laws in judicial practice aimed at combating criminal organizations). The last couple of charges were dropped at the request of the judge as difficult to prove. After numerous court clashes yesterday, Tanya won the case and received a prize of 108 thousand dollars. For those who want to read more about how it all happened here is a link .

In principle, you can ask - why should we care about some aunt in Oregon, who tingled a little at the RIAA? I will answer: Amerkan justice is based on case law. Those that have been proven as a result of hearings once - can be used as a basis for other protests. Now, before the potential victims of the arbitrary arbitrariness of the musical association opens more ways. You can agree and pay 4k-5k dollars of compensation and not go to court, but you can go to court, and by standing up for your innocence, get more and compensation for your time and money. And any way to squeeze these "human rights activists" with their methods of "select and share (among themselves)" this obvious benefit.

By the way, this news was good, there is also bad, I can put it in brief if interesting. But it is more concerned with American p2p users.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25549/

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