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Interactive tree menu

Somehow, a request was received from one large consumer company to make a software solution to help their customers with product selection. And this company makes shampoo powders, which dozens - women somehow understand, men - all one.


The product line for the house consisted of 33 items. The summary table of product selection criteria looked like a depressing table:

The point is that we choose where to apply the product (bath, kitchen or laundry), then clarify the basic properties (bleach, softener, hand wash, machine wash, etc.), sub-properties (kill bacteria, colored linen, create fragrance) and finally we get recipe.

They offered the first design option: horizontal parallax menu with vector-style graphics.




Click on the buttons - a new column is added and the screen is shifted from left to right together in the background and foreground.

The clients liked the idea, and immediately approved it. Changed only the design for strict photos:


What happens in the interface is essentially the behavior of the classic TreeView element, only smeared on a plane, with pictures and additional fields. Those. somehow I had to re-create my own TreeView (which was later called TreeNavigator).


Next - programming. We write software on .NET using WPF technology for the visual part of the interfaces.
Data on the choice of a product from a plate in Excel was converted into XML in its format:


The structure turned out to be complex in appearance, but in .NET there is a class System.xml that allows you to cope with such porridge.
A little bit of code, we painted the interface, tested it - and in a couple of weeks the interactive application was ready.

It was supposed to launch the solution from a 22-inch touchscreen PC installed in a shopping center in rows with this all variety of plastic bottles. Such a device was bought from the Chinese - not expensive and surprisingly reliable.


In idle mode, there is spinning interactive advertising products at a discount.


It was a pilot project. It would seem that the solution is useful - I came to the supermarket, picked up a washing product with a screen for properties, and not re-reading all the labels on the bottles. Yes, and advertising discounts spinning. But for now, such things go to the masses with a big creak of corporate gears.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255473/

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