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Intel Summer School 0x7DF. Time to apply

Time flies, and the beginning of May is inevitably approaching - the deadline for submitting applications to Intel Summer School next year, 2015. If you, a student or graduate student, still have not figured out how interesting and to spend the summer holidays - this post is for you. It is even difficult to figure out where else in such a short time you can get such experience in developing real software, writing “combat” code and overcoming real problems. Another invaluable bonus is the ability to temporarily join the team of high-class professionals and learn from their own experience how the various teams of the huge Intel company work together. Read the post carefully, perhaps this is the chance you were looking for?

During the two summer months, July and August, students selected by the results of the introductory competition will undergo an internship in real Intel projects. At the same time, leading scientists of various scientific schools and directions, teachers of Russian universities and leading employees of Intel will hold a series of special lectures, trainings and seminars on specialized disciplines. The internship will be held in two Intel development centers in Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk.

The interns will work on the tasks and proposed projects under the guidance of Intel experts. During the internship, a monetary reward is paid, a non-resident intern is given a grant to travel from the place of study to the place of internship and back and stay in a student dormitory.
Dates of internship: from July 6 to August 27.
Students are invited to participate (starting from the 2nd year at the time of application), undergraduates and graduate students, not older than 27 years old, who have citizenship of the Russian Federation.

Within the framework of the introductory competition, questionnaires and descriptions of ideas and plans for solving the problems selected by the applicants will be evaluated. Acceptance of questionnaires and descriptions - on May 10th (inclusive). What tasks will be solved by the participants of this year's school? Let's take a few for example:

A complete list of tasks can be viewed on the summer school website . Find a topic to your liking, fill out a questionnaire with information about yourself and suggested approaches to solving the problem, register on the site and wait for news from the organizers.

Believe in your luck and see you in July!

The photo shows the opening of the 2014 Intel Summer School.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255439/

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