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I already watched it! Opening.

I already saw this @ SMOTREL.com
Well, I recently had such an idea and I finally realized it. The meaning of the blog is that everyone will write here who feels like. And they will write stories of films (cartoons, TV shows, books, audio books, etc.) that were watched / listened / honored.

Wikipedia reads:
“ In cinema, computer games, literature, a spoiler is prematurely disclosed important information that spoils the impression of the game / book / film and destroys their intrigue; less often - a person who disclosed this information prematurely. "

The site was created not for the purpose of spoiling someone’s impression or mood, but for those who for some reason could not watch a movie, could not read a book, did not have time to watch another series of their favorite series ... This one was created for them blog.
There is still a situation when you watched a movie, but in the end you were terribly angry / mocked at some point. One would like to tell a friend, or write on the forum, but then this is a very “important” moment, revealing the ending of the film, and it is ugly to tell the ending to a person who does not want this. This is where our blog comes in handy, because here you can discuss any moments from the movie !
How to become one of the authors and what will be read for this in the section “ Become an author ”.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25537/

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