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HuaQiangBei electronic market in Shenzhen

Traveling in China, it is impossible not to enter the electronic markets. It will be just unforgivable. And, for sure, if you went here, before the road you received a thousand orders already for different equipment, watches, smartphones, etc.

In the center of the ShZh - half an hour walk from the KK100 tower is the most famous electronics store in the southern part of China - Huachbei. In fact, it is a few blocks with all sorts of equipment and details.

Want to experience China? Like to bargain? Love noisy and crowded places with endless crowds? Then you here.

In this place you understand why China is ahead of the rest. Here you can buy absolutely everything you need. I admit that somewhere in the basement even uranium rods are sold.

Printed circuit boards, transistors, resistors, power supplies, LEDs, rectifiers, capacitors, microprocessors, memory cards, radiators, cameras — all of these are entire floors. Ready-made solutions whole quarters.

These are stacks of cards, not cardboard.

And no one considers it shameful to bring the goods to the mind right on the spot: they take something away, they pin something up, pack it up and even finish it.

The girl is soldering something on the circuit board .

But even such work can not prevent the child. Cry babies, baby capricious voices you expect to hear in the bazaar, in a large shopping center, but not in the electronic market.
And then the kindergarten, sometimes turning into a nursery.

I can not imagine how the kids stand so much time here. Even if it's not the whole day.

During the four weeks that I spent in China, I realized that there are a lot of children and their parents carry them with them always and everywhere. There are always a lot of children on the streets, in shops, in places of rest. But what can we say, I saw dozens of them on the Great Wall of China in the hands of my parents - a little smaller.
This is partly due to the fact that in China, parents really care for their children much stronger than in Russia, for example. Under the guardianship, here you need to keep in mind, perhaps, are engaged.
But the more likely reason is that there are simply a lot of them, and this is striking. Yes, and the law on the prohibition of having more than one child is now significantly weakened - this is logical, otherwise the nation will begin to age very much.

But I got distracted.
Two huge buildings dedicated to video surveillance systems, where you will find what you want for every taste. I can not imagine how they survive, selling the same thing on the same square.

All shop windows show about the same look.

By the way, I also found what I was looking for - a door-eye in the form of a video camera with the ability to shoot in the dark, with a motion detector and a GSM module for sending MMS or making calls when someone came.

There are a lot of brand shops on the streets: epl, huavei, lenovo, MI.

But the prices for branded vehicles in China are now so comparable with the Russian ones that you need to think twice before buying here.

And you also need to be very careful - they fake everything amazingly. Getting caught is easy, which we did with the guys.

All of our gang suddenly decided to buy power banks - in Russian, wearable batteries with USB-out. And all sunk on MI. I was there for the company - I, sort of like, they were unnecessarily.

There would be a retreat to make it clear what kind of gang it is and what we are doing in Shenzhen.
The fact is that one well-known company gathered in one place the top 20 engineers from all over the earth to save the planet.
Just kidding, not the best - just engineers and just for training. But the guys were really from all over the world: Russia, Austria, Spain, Mexico, Ecuador, Nigeria, Algeria, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka. I already wrote about this amazing event before in my blog .
And the notorious company in Shenzhen (as well as in Beijing, Shanghai, Xi'an) has a whole city, which also received a separate story .

But when our Austro-Kenyan comrade very cleverly knocked the price from the seller, who did not want to move at all, I also took one on the sly.

Just look at those sly narrow eyes .

And we took in the brand store MI. All logos, clothing vendors, shop windows, packaging, luxury salon, if you can call it that, correspond to the brand. Literally 10 minutes later, we decided to go to another brand store of the same brand, where we were very well described that we were fooled and sold a fake. The difference between these two salons was minimal.

The saleswoman told us one very clever thing: “Everyone sells copies at Huachbeib ... except us . ”

Quite an amazing fact - the same official store sells copies of 10 yuan cheaper from the counter, which stands right in front of the entrance. But on the contrary, 4 meters away, obvious copies are sold for nothing - 50 yuan cheaper - almost 3 times.

Therefore, if you take something in this market, then either non-branded items, or obviously copies.

I bought an external Bose speaker there for myself. Made very cool, except for LEDs, it plays in such a way that I definitely won't hear the difference. Shot down the price twice.
It will go to me at the time of repair, to background music, when I read books to my daughter, and for gatherings in the open air.

I bought another 32 GB memory card for 33 yuan. Such things do not take on one thing, so it was hard to throw off) But I reduced by about 30%. Then I really realized that I had to take at least three pieces in order to feel the benefits. I also took 8 GB for 9 yuan just in case.

Bargaining is a must. Even if you do not like. Throw 20-30% can almost always, if we talk about piece goods. And usually up to half the price you can bargain. The seller himself wants to sell. If he is not satisfied with the price that you call - go on. If she was adequate, he will catch up and stop you. If not, look for another seller - it all depends on his greed. The same product can vary very well.
Here is my speaker - I just asked about the price, then to compare. But it was not destined to leave. Starting price was 150 yuan.

- Spell your price, love - says the Chinese woman in years, defiantly laughing.
I typed on the calculator 60 - so that she understood that I was not going to buy.
- Meu, meu - her eyes noticeably rounded.
- Shcheshche - and I'm going to leave with peace of mind.
- 80 - she dials on the calculator.
The agonizing process of internal struggle - 70 - I write to her.
- Hand, laow!

And here is another example: one of our gang bought a quadrocopter (they call them drones, by the way). He bargained for up to 150 yuan, and in all other places it costs about 350. So think about what kind of margin they wind up. They can laugh, they can turn away and say no, at this price they will not sell, they can even touch your head, pretend that they burned their hands and ask if the owner of this head has overheated. And then they catch up and offer their price.

And yes, after you bought something, you should not ask in other places already, if you do not know how to laugh at yourself.

As you have already noticed, probably a universal trading tool - a calculator. Rarely does the seller have it and is trying to describe the price on the fingers. I even admit that this is the only purpose of the calculator on the market.

The painful process of churning prices.

The guys also bought self-blades (or, as they call them, monopods), light bulbs for external batteries (I also took a couple of 5 yuan for myself), some clothes, lighters.

My latest purchase was a watch - Omega Seamaster - a friend's order. Watch shops are not so many, more precisely, like, one. And he, like much on Huachinbey, closes at 6 pm.

On kilometers of windows, only little-known Chinese brands lie - Curren, S-Shock, Simax - I know them only because they chose this market when they chose their watches for themselves. These are watches that are sooo similar to some brand ones, but differ in name and quality, and accordingly in price.

For interest, it's Curren and S-Shock:

But as soon as you step over some invisible line, in front of you from all sides, like a wonderful self-dressing tablecloth, they begin to open catalogs with images of Tissot, Orient, Omega, boxes with expensive watches. Know only manage to turn away from the blinding flashes now to the right, then to the left.

It's good when you know what to look for - just show a photo and ask if they have it. Usually there is. Some worker climbs under the counter or runs into the cave of Ali Baba and brings out an unattractive bag from which pours a mountain of spears.

By the way, my Omega copy was really high quality: they are fully automatic (I even checked it), they are heavy and they go. The price really bites - 380 yuan, and the customer set a condition of no more than 200. I found over 270 that I could lose to 200, but it was such an outright fake that I would not forgive myself for such a purchase.

In the end, managed to bring down to 255 here - and that's not bad. Being a gift to a friend means he is a great person.

Hours need to be checked - on chips and scratches, on the fact that they generally go on and on how many days in a month. This is ridiculous, but in several copies that we checked, it was 40 days.

Hoping that the dials will work in the middle is not worth it. At a minimum, they will not show what is original.

Some buttons may be fake, some functions do not work. To the question why this is so or why it needs one answer - “it was in the original, we just repeated it”.

Next to the expensive-looking brand boutiques are such collapse of packaging materials.

A little further, the whole huge basement is packed with covers, cases, bumpers, gags under 3.5 connector, protective films, flash drives, SD cards. And in the same way - you can bargain. True, in such places the score goes not by a few, but usually by hundreds. So my Chinese friend - a novice businessman - bought there three dozen bumpers for 6 yuan each and is going to sell them in his little shop in a provincial town for 40-50.

What I like in all of China (although I was not so much where) was the love of nature. Even in a market where it would seem there is no place for such sentimental things, pretty flowers grow in the middle of the roadway.

The whole philosophy of the Eastern world - living in unity with nature - is evidenced by Buddhism, Chinese medicine speaks of this, and the amount of greenery on high-rise balconies also speaks of this.
But doesn't it smell a bit of hypocrisy here, if you could recall Beijing, Shenzhen factories or Guangzhou boutiques?

Shops in the buildings close at 6 pm, and people are crowded on the street until late at night.

We left there at nine o'clock, and the taxi drivers were just starting their hunt for amateurs to ride with the wind.

This is the whole of China at the moment. An amazing country that has adapted to the modern rhythm of life in everything, and amazing people who have kept their traditions.

KK100 is the highest skyscraper of Shenzhen (442 meters) at the moment. It is located about 30 minutes from the market, if you go fast .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255307/

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