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Homemade motion sensors (temperature, humidity, lighting) for the "Smart Home" based on the system MySensors

Passed by, I look, but here things interesting about homemade various write. I also recently made something, give, I think, I will write, maybe someone will come in handy, well, or it will just be interesting. We are talking about the hardware budget DIY-sensor for embedding in the panel switches and sockets.

But let's order.

I have been fascinated by the automation system for the “Smart Home” for a relatively long time. Now I have here several different systems connected together. There are both industrial and home-made components. I want to tell about the last homemade product.

Some time ago, on the Internet, I came across a home automation system MySensors . Quite a developed (and constantly developed further) wireless system based on the Arduino and nRF24L01 +. However, it is not about who is interested - the source will look.
The main advantages of the system for me were good software support, communication diversification, availability of components and their low cost.

Having played enough on the mockups, I decided to develop a device that can be adequately integrated into the home interior (you cannot ignore WAF). It turned out the device, which can, along with other drown in the wall in a standard 63mm box.


This is the first build, the next I will try to do more carefully. The big hole (for the light sensor) will be covered with a plexiglass rod.

In semi-assembled form it looks like this:


View from the other side:


All this consists of (Chinese) 8MHz / 3.3V Arduino Pro Mini, a nRF24L01 + radio module, a HC-SR510 motion sensor, a DHT22 sensor (temperature and humidity), a BH1750 illumination sensor, and a standard JUNG plug (you can certainly use , Berker, etc. I just languished what was at hand). The total cost is about $ 15.

The PCB is designed by Eagle. Sources here . It was ordered from ITEADStudio, it was done well (except for silk, the inscriptions turned out so-so).


Probably the font is too small and thin. It looked good on the gerbera.


The assembly process revealed some minor inconveniences; something could be improved, but in general, the board is quite applicable.

It will be interesting, I can write in more detail and provide links to (Chinese) vendors of the respective components.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255281/

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