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Must-know for iOS developers

10 weeks ago we launched a project for iOS developers called Digest MBLTdev . After the first release, the number of subscribers exceeded 1,000. How it works? Our top developers Ruslan Humenny and Sasha Cherny study materials online, carefully select links that should not be overlooked, and form the Friday edition of them. Next, the release is sent to all subscribers to the specified email or Safari Push Notifications.

In connection with the symbolic anniversary, we decided to collect specials. issue for Habr's readers. We present to your attention 10 links and small arguments on the topic of how the link is recognized as interesting and is included in the issue.


Let's Talk About Sets, Baby!

The most "simple" type of links is news. A new version of Xcode has been released, for example. However, our opinion: it is not very useful and interesting for developers to read news in this form. The fact that an event has occurred is not enough. It is necessary that it was clear what to do with it. In Swift 1.2, the data type Set has appeared. Examples in the article.

How to write the perfect pull request

The digest includes not only links to the code, but also articles of a more general nature. Materials like the Pull Request note form a culture, no matter how sublime it sounds. Suppose I do not write such PR myself, but after reading something starts to move on a subconscious level. The next time a choice arises, how to get PR done, I will already have an idea of ​​the options. By grain, by grain - and now we live in a perfect society.

Future ReactiveCocoa

Consider an exclusive. Obviously, the developer eventually has its own set of subscriptions. It would be interesting if the digest duplicated your channels of information. For this reason, the Ray is not always in the release, for example. RAC itself can be treated differently, but it’s interesting to know what will happen in the third version. Among my friends there are few who track something on Quora. Is that formal. And for the digest such monitoring is present. It works rarely, but aptly due to the specificity of the resource - personal well-formulated answers. Read what one of the co-authors prophesies.

From JSON to Core Data Fast and Effectively

The article should, on the one hand, give a clear answer, on the other - show how this answer was received. The link above is an example of an article that editors consider good. Another is an example of an article using Obj-C. Selecting links every week, it was difficult not to notice that the number of articles with Obj-C inside was reduced, Swift comes.

Swift InFlux

Another type of material - reference. This project tracks all changes in Swift from version to version. Most likely, when you start using it, you will use the current version, and the former ones will not worry you. However, the link exists, for the most part, of academic interest. There are few such references, but they are also important to understand why a language looks like it looks.

WatchKit Text Input and Dictation API

The note is short and fairly simple. Its value is that it quickly allows you to remember: "this is possible." When you get a question on the topic, you will already know the answer.

iTC API Docs

Periodically, there are some interesting, but not quite legal API. They certainly have a place in the digest.

REST client for OS X

Sometimes you dig into everyday tasks in such a way that you don’t have time to think how best to solve them. For this, there is a section in the digest tools.

Features of the background work iOS-application

Video content is the rarest. This is understandable, writing an article is already a matter, and making a decent record of performance is even more. In this regard, the regularity of Cocoa Heads Moscow and Realm pleases.

Swift - Under the Hood

After the release I saw a lot of retweets referring to this presentation. It is believed that for good reason she went to the people. Some materials have a peculiarity: it’s not good to meet them on the run. So, welcome to the fireplace for a story.

Tomorrow at 16:00 Moscow time - a new release of Digest. So rather subscribe to news and get useful and up-to-date information every week for iOS developers for free and without spam.

We read all the letters sent. Some send us links - it's nice. Some of them fall into the issue. The selection policy is quite simple, but the conversation is already delayed. Subscribe and send opinions to digest@mbltdev.ru

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255277/

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