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Google has finally overtaken Yahoo in attendance

In recent years, a steady balance has been maintained on the Internet: Google was the absolute leader in search, and the Yahoo portal in terms of total traffic (mail, photos, etc.). But now a historic event has happened: according to the latest comScore statistics for April 2008, the Google website’s empire managed to outrun Yahoo and take the first place. True, there can be no talk of absolute dominance: the difference between the first and second place is only a quarter of a percent, but there will be more.

April 2008, American audience, source: comScore
Google Sites - 141.080 million (+ 18% over last year)
Yahoo sites - 140.613 million (+ 7%)

Yahoo continues to hold a serious leadership in the number of page hits: 33.6 billion against 28.7 billion.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25527/

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