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Conference YAPC :: Russia :: MayPerl 2015 in Moscow May 16-17

May 16 and 17 in the Moscow office of Mail.Ru Group will host the May Perl Conference (YAPC :: Russia). Perl-professionals from different corners of the globe flock to it to exchange experience, make new acquaintances in their field and communicate with like-minded people in an informal and pleasant atmosphere.

We invite speakers and participants. To speak, apply .
To participate as a listener - register . Participation is free!

What is YAPC :: Russia?

YAPC :: Russia is a rather old, well-known and respected conference series. Within YAPC (Yet Another Perl Conference) events of a different format are held. There are continental, there are more or less national. YAPC :: NA will be held in mid-June, YAPC :: Europe will be in Granada in September, YAPC :: Asia and many others will also pass.

YAPC :: Russia is the main conference of the year about Perl. In Russia, it has been conducted since 2008 and gathers programmers from the entire territory of the former Soviet Union. Previously, there were two events dedicated to Perl: in Kiev and Moscow, the Ukrainian was called Perl Mova, and the Russian - May Perl. Later, they joined together and began to pass together, alternating the venue. Last year, a group of SPB.pm St. Petersburg programmers headed by Timur Nozadze took over the event.

What will the reports be about?

To date, the general subject is not rigidly set, anyone can apply for a report related to Perl on any topic of interest to him - be it administration, testing, work with databases, etc. For example, we will have a report on working with pl / Perl in PostgreSQL.

And who will be from eminent speakers?

One of the speakers will be Sawyer X. Insanely interesting, shocking story-teller, whose reports cause just a storm of emotions, positive and a great desire to do something. Describing the material in great detail, vividly and interestingly, he necessarily supports it with a good, qualitative example. Say, on YAPC :: Europe, Sawyer X talked about such a seemingly well-known thing like AnyEvent. I later repeated this report in a Russian translation at one of the meetings of Moscow.PM and was very surprised that not everyone knows how this thing works, not everyone understands it. And after the Sawyer X report, all those present at the meeting left with a full understanding of what AnyEvent is, how it works, why it is needed, where to use it. And I really hope that people came home, rewrote their scripts and said: “Yes, now I have everything cool” ;-). The material in this report is presented in a very systematic, detailed and understandable manner. An excellent example is given of siphoning from the IMDb a list of frequently encountered actors on the films and TV shows you love. It happens, you watch the series, think, somewhere I saw this actor? You can not remember - and here a comfortable script can help.

The second speaker is Peter Rabbitson (ribasushi) . Probably, not one YAPC :: Europe can do without it. He is one of the main or almost the only developer of all ORM Perl, DBIx :: Class. This is the main ORM, which is used by almost everyone - at least everyone knows about it. He is widely known, and his reports about this ORM, about its new features, about possible ways of solving certain tasks, are not ignored. Rabbitson is an excellent speaker, making his speeches very interesting. Most often, he directly demonstrates what he says: “Here I have some code here on the slide ...”, immediately launches and shows how it works, and something rules on the go. By the way, Peter speaks Russian pretty well.

And what else?

While at the conference only reports are planned. Be sure to have Perl Golf with valuable prizes, now we are thinking about the task. There is one crazy idea, but for now I will not reveal this secret. If we manage to implement it, it will be very cool. If there is time, we may have a mini hackathon on Friday night, but this is questionable.

How much does it cost?

Participation in YAPC :: Russia is free, although every year, especially during a crisis, it is becoming increasingly difficult to withstand this tradition. It is necessary to rent a room, bring speakers, provide food. So far we are doing it. Last year, almost all sponsored REG.RU. This year, Mail.Ru Group has taken over sponsorship. For example, participation in YAPC :: Europe costs about 100 euros, which, in general, is quite a substantial amount. Plus, you still need to get there - this year in Spain, at the height of the season. By the way, paid participation allows you to accurately calculate the number of participants. Very often at free conferences it happens that the number of applications is several times more than the number actually arrived. While people have not made money, they are not always sure whether they will go or not. And when you have already paid, you will go for sure. In addition, when the exact number of people is known, it is easier to predict and organize a conference - at least to determine the necessary size of the room. This year we count on 100-150 people.

Also this year we will organize live video broadcasting. We will remove, we will cut and we will lay out on our channel. Those who wish to speak at YAPC :: Russia can fill out a form on our website, the conference schedule will also be indicated there.

Sign up! Waiting for you!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255265/

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