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How to stop worrying and start living without Flash

In this article - a small part of the motivational and working scenario, how to fully live on the network without a Flash plug-in.

The script will consist of three recipes:

Safari Firefox.
Flash, —

  • , , .
  • , Flash, , Flash-free experience.
  • Flash . —  . .
  • , Flash, , Flash 1.


  • Google : « ». «, , -»
  • Mozilla Flash; , Flash — Firefox : « —  , . Mozilla - . , , »
  • Apple 2010 «Thoughts on Flash», .
  • Electronic Frontier Foundation , Flash —
  • Adobe 2011 Flash Player , Wintel Mac OS X. : «…HTML5 — .»
  • , — IAB, — 2010: « HTML5, Flash. iPad, »

, , Flash-?

Flash-player (- ), . , Flash, , , —  — . Mozilla Shumway, .
— Flash player : SWF- .


Flash, Flash.

, Flash- … Flash!

Flashblock-, , embed- object-, Flashblock . , : Flash-, , — .

, . Flash-. — . - , .

, ,

Youtube-, embed object? Userscript-.
, ClickToPlugin Safari - object- HTML5-2.

Flash, , Flash.

Flash, ? , iPhone iPad.
User agent Safari @ iPad, , .

3 Safari « Internet Explorer» Safari iOS — iPad. , , , Flash. , , , Safari User agent.

Firefox, . UAControl User agent . , UAControlUAControl options for this site…Action: Custom Custom user agent Safari iOS 8.1 iPad:

Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 8_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Mobile/12B410 Safari/600.1.4

iPad Safari. Viva la Firefox!

User agent —  . —  . , <sarcasm />.

Flash — .

: Flash? , HTML5 WebRTC.

— , , .

, Flash…

, , Flash? , , Livemocha, Flash - . , Flash-free , .

: Google Chrome. opensource Chromium :

! Google Flash, — . , .

, Google Chrome —  , , . — , - . , ()

, Flash-only , - , Safari: «Open in IE» Yandex, .
Firefox Open In Chrome

  1. Flash . , , 5 . , , , . Flash ,
  2. Flash-free ,
  3. , Flash. , , Flash-enabled 4.
  4. Google Chrome Flash — Google . , solver, .
  5. Flash — , ,
  6. (, Flash-, -) Flash —  Flash.

  1. , : Air-. .
  2. , , , .
  3. → 
  4. , , HTML5-.

, :


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255253/

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