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Informer Vkontakte extension for Opera, Chrome and other browsers

I once wanted to install the simplest extension into my browser to see a counter about new messages, friend requests, etc. Search did not give anything. The closest option was VKfox , but then it seemed to me extremely difficult and sophisticated. Also found one interesting option for Opera 11 . But I had a different browser. And then I decided to write such an extension myself.

Informer Vkontakte

On the video demonstration of the main features, namely:

In the future I plan to add the same view for new comments and responses.
For other notifications, the user simply opens the corresponding Vkontakte page.

API Vkontakte

The informer receives information through the API Vkontakte. However, there are difficulties with this.
The first problem is that there is no method to get an unread message. It is the message, not the dialogue. Therefore, you have to do a selection of conversations, and then in a loop for each dialogue, make a request to receive new messages.

The second difficulty is in the limitations of Vkontakte:
  1. Turning to methods directly, you can not make requests more than 3 times per second.
  2. In the execute method you cannot execute more than 25 calls to other methods.
  3. The execute method has limited execution time.

But in developing it was able to cope with all the difficulties and limitations.

Links for everyone to see and test:

I would be glad if in the comments you share your impressions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255241/

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