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Available fresh update ReSharper Ultimate

Hello! The next release of our tools for .NET developers has just happened along with the first version of ReSharper for C ++ developers. Together, all these tools are called ReSharper Ultimate, and the installer, containing their latest versions, can be downloaded here !

The full list of updates to the new release of ReSharper Ultimate is as follows: ReSharper 9.1, ReSharper C ++ 1.0, dotMemory 4.3, dotTrace 6.1, dotCover 3.1 and dotPeek 1.4. Let us examine the most noticeable changes in these products.

In addition to fixing more than 700 different problems , ReSharper 9.1 introduces a number of significant additions:

Other tools in ReSharper Ultimate have also undergone various changes:

In addition to the above-mentioned updates in products focused primarily on .NET-developers, we have released the first version of ReSharper C ++ . This is a separate product for developers who write in C / C ++ in Visual Studio. ReSharper C ++ inherited most of the features of the “core” ReSharper, including those related to navigation, templates, code generation and analysis. We will write more about ReSharper C ++ later in a separate post.

As for licensing, we offer several options:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255235/

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