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Turing Test

“The Turing test is an empirical test, the idea of ​​which was proposed by Alan Turing in the article“ Computers and Mind ”, published in 1950 in the philosophical journal Mind. Turing set out to determine whether the machine can think. "(Quote from Wikipedia)

When I woke up, the clock, as usual, was past midnight. As usual, cursing for the fact that, as usual, I slept all that was possible, went to wash. After, as usual, got dressed and went for milk. As usual, only the Crossroads worked at that time.

As usual, taking a pack of House in the village, went to the checkout.

On a half way, somewhere between the shelves with noodles and canned tomatoes, I was stopped by a tall, but skinny guy of about twenty-five and in a gray down-padded coat:
- Quick question to you! Answer without thinking!
- Chivo-chivo ?, - I did not understand.
- What are your political beliefs?
- Chivo-chivo ?, - I did not understand again.

Only then did I turn my attention to his hand, which squeezed the knife, the blade of which rested against my chest through the jacket.

I have just recently moved to this area, and have not yet come across this.

- Answer without thinking! What are your political beliefs?
- Well ..., - I thought, - I am for freedom ..., - said, choosing the words as carefully as possible. This guy obviously was not himself, probably, on the outlines.
- Well, how do you feel about fascism?
- Yes, no way ..., - I understood - my torn grinders and camouflage-colored jacket obviously confused him ...
- Well, and who are you in life? Fa or anti-fa?
“In general, I am a robot,” I tried to answer as honestly as possible.
- I do not understand ... the robot? And how do you justify?
- Let's do the Turing Test. If I really are a robot, then I can not pass it. Ask any question that only a person could answer, and you will immediately understand everything.
- Good. Tell me what is the meaning of life?
- I dont know.
- But you are a robot! You must know everything! Have at least some answers!
- I dont know. Fair. I don't care about that at all. My decision-making system was built according to the ternary logic proposed by Jan Lukasiewicz in 1920. It was this system that Soviet engineers who developed the first domestic computers laid the foundation for their cars. This system, unlike the traditional binary logic of Aristotle, which has only two values ​​“yes” and “no”, also has a third meaning - “I don’t know, don't care.” And your question poses, goes beyond the set of knowledge that was laid in me, and which I could learn from my practical experience.

The tip of the metal with force burst into the area of ​​my carotid artery. I backed away, began to fall on the racks with Rolton noodles, trying to grab my neck, which was already emitting a bright stream of electrolytes.

- I drove the boys, drove ..., - heard his retreating voice, - there will be more brains for me ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255217/

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