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Developers explain why Vista is avoiding new features.

The latest survey of Windows-developers, conducted by EDC, showed that among them only 8% create code specifically for Windows Vista . “You know, none of our customers demanded an interface under WPF,” explains a representative of one of the development companies, arguing about one of the most revolutionary innovations in Vista, that is, the Windows Presentation Foundation graphics subsystem. Actually, very few customers need the Aero and DirectX 10 beauties so much, these Microsoft attempts to catch up with the "poppies" are unintelligible to the corporate customer.

We must pay tribute to Microsoft that most forms, ASP.Net, Windows Forms and other Windows XP standards work fine under a new operating system, so it is not necessary to switch to some new standards. However, due to good compatibility, Microsoft really risks that its new technologies can be ignored by the developer community. First of all, it concerns WPF, sidebar gadgets and XPS print format, which is positioned as an alternative to PDF. Moreover, in the future Windows 7, which is now in development, new standards will appear, and they will also need to be promoted somehow. At the same time with Vista, about a dozen new technologies “fell on” the developers, but only two or three of them actually turned out to be in demand. Actually, the user base "Vista" has not yet reached a critical mass, although Microsoft claims 140 million copies sold.

Corporate systems are also far from mass migration to Vista. According to company statistics, about 20% of corporate software running under XP does not function under the new OS, mainly due to the presence of pieces of the older code left over from previous OSs. This percentage increases to almost 50%, if we consider the direct migration from 32-bit XP to 64-bit Vista.

An EDC survey also showed that Windows developers are creating more and more applications running via the Web, because they are more flexible and easier to support, so now many are refusing to use VB6 and .Net.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25521/

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