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Free DNS for free internet

As alternatives to the Internet, there are now several projects, one of them is cjdns (Hyperboria).
One of the big problems on this network is the lack of a good replacement for the existing DNS. What is not suitable for the existing system? For example, dependence on "external forces" and functioning in the "ordinary Internet". I offer a fairly good option to build a new domain name system.

Small preface

I recently set myself cjdns (Hyperborea) and I already wanted to climb on internal resources, see “how people live there,” but it was not there. The documentation specifies one IP DNS server, and it is written that it is no longer supported, and at the moment there is no ready-made domain name system for cjdns. Then I was a little bit harsh, I pinged some nodes and decided that it’s impossible to use the network in this form. But, since I like the idea of ​​this network, I decided to give several hours of work to my already clogged brain to think over / solve this problem.

Make demands

What I want to offer you, I decided to base on some simple principles:

But how to achieve this? Of course, you can come up with a dozen DNS servers running around the world, and a dozen admins who manually enter domains and aypishniki into some kind of database. But what will happen if someone registers his IP address for his facebook.com domain? Or what will happen if Vasya and Petya want to “register” the same domain for themselves? It will be bad, not for me to tell you about it.
There are two more mandatory requirements:

Simplified scheme

  1. There is a set of DNS servers synchronizing with each other.
  2. There are several domain “registrars” sending information to the network of DNS servers.

And then you say ... Yes, how is it different, your mother ? I explain.

On the same Gitkhub is placed the code of the DNS server, which can connect with others of the same and exchange information. All such servers are equivalent, but each of them contains in its config the addresses of several root servers for this server. Sorry for the pun. This server "subscribes" to updates on the root server, and the one in a lazy mode sends changes to the subscribers.

Who will pay for domains to whom? Of course, I can put a box and say “put bucks here, I’ll gossip for you,” but few will agree to this. And you will have to pay official funds. For example, the cancer control fund, the AIDS control fund, the free software development fund, the fund to combat the search for extraterrestrial civilizations, and several others. Now, in order to register a domain, you will not need to feed some strange registrars, but you can honestly transfer money to your chosen fund, and get the necessary domain for it. And from the mass registration of domains by the foundation itself, we should be saved by its reputation, which it should value.

How will the foundation register a domain? The Foundation, which the community has allowed to register domains, downloads software from the same GitHub, with which it generates a pair of keys (public, private). The private key is published on the site of the fund and added to the DNS server (using the same GitHub). Now, when a user donates a few bucks to some foundation, this foundation automatically encrypts the desired domain, with additional information, with its private key, and sends this bundle to several new-generation DNS servers. After a while, all DNS servers know about the new domain.

A little bit about pricing

In general, domains must be paid so that they can not take any in any quantity. And the prices I offer are as follows.

Single-letter domains will be reserved for the time being and will not be given to anyone.

Two-letter first year will be sold for $ 10,000 per piece. In the future, every year they will be cheaper by one-tenth of the initial price - 9000, 8000, and so on, until it reaches 1000, then they will be cheaper by $ 100 per year. Reaching the minimum cost of the domain, they stop.

Three-letter, by analogy with two-letter, will be sold for 1000 bucks a year at the initial stage and cheaper by a hundred per year.

Four-letter start with a hundred bucks and reach the minimum price in increments of 10 bucks.

A five-letter and more, always cost at the lowest price - $ 20 per year.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255171/

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