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Meet ReSharper C ++

Over the past ten years of its existence, ReSharper has been focused on .NET developers, which is not surprising for a plug-in to Visual Studio. 2 years ago, due to the successful April Fool's joke, we came to grips with supporting C ++ in ReSharper, and just recently the first official release of ReSharper C ++ was released - a new product specifically for C / C ++ developers in Visual Studio. (Those who have been waiting for the release of CLion for cross-platform development in C / C ++ will need a little more patience.)

How can ReSharper C ++ be useful? Let us examine the main features of the product.

Static code analysis

As soon as you open Visual Studio with plus projects, ReSharper C ++ begins to analyze your projects and offer fixes for problems that it finds and recommend these or other improvements. For example, if you use a type without setting a title for it, ReSharper C ++ will offer you to do this:


If you have a prototype of a function, but lack its definition, ReSharper C ++ will offer to generate the function body either in the same or in a separate file:

If you decide to use the printf() function, ReSharper C ++ will check the formatting arguments and suggest fixes if it finds problems:

Macros and templates

ReSharper C ++ fully understands all macros, so it analyzes exactly on the code that will be obtained after preprocessing. This gives us a number of unique features: for example, you can "deploy" macros right in the code:

If factorial is implemented through templates, ReSharper C ++ can immediately check any static_assert written using this template:

Navigation and Search

ReSharper C ++ allows you to quickly navigate through large projects and search for the necessary code in them. Here are some of the supported navigation features:

To search for all occurrences of a symbol in ReSharper C ++, there is a Find Usages mechanism with preview, grouping and filtering capabilities.

It should be noted that many navigation commands are available from the context menu, which is opened by pressing Alt + Enter :

ReSharper C ++ also includes several windows for navigating large complex projects. One of these windows is called File Structure : it allows you to quickly navigate the structure of the current file:

Another window is called the Inheritance Hierarchy , and the tree type inheritance hierarchy is displayed in it:

Concluding the navigation topic, there are commands for navigating through the class elements ( Go to Next / Previous Member ) and the errors found in the file ( Go to Next / Previous Issue ).

Patterns and code generation

We adapted the system for generating code and templates for C ++. This means that in ReSharper C ++ there is support for the following mechanisms familiar to users of the main ReSharper:

In addition to templates, ReSharper C ++ also has regular mechanisms for generating code in the Generate menu:


Code refactoring capabilities are a kind of ReSharper business card. Here are a few refactorings that already exist in ReSharper C ++:


Here is a video showing the above functionality in action:

To use ReSharper C ++ you need either a separate license or a ReSharper Ultimate license.

ReSharper C ++ can be downloaded separately or as part of the full installer ReSharper Ultimate . In both cases, a 30-day trial period.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255151/

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