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About translating one manual

The FLProg project has long been friends with another non-commercial project — the publishing house of the Radio Yearbook magazine. I have already talked about him in one of my previous posts. Since the magazine does not have a representative office in Habré, the chief editor asked me to submit to your court a story-translation of one of their authors, V.N. Gololobova . And although the magazine has mostly radio amateur topics, the editorial staff is interested in the opinion of professionals about translation, dedicated to programming.

Here is the preface to the story of the author himself.
I am not a programmer. And I am not ready for a story about programming, neither as a philosophical doctrine, nor as an instruction manual. This is true. But today, many radio amateurs are interested in programming microcontrollers, which from my point of view implies a mandatory familiarity with the high-level programming language. It is rightly said that there are no bad programming languages, there are bad programmers, so the choice of language is everyone’s business.
One of the most popular programming languages ​​today is C. And if we recall that often devices based on microcontrollers, as their part is used by a computer, then C ++.
Being engaged in writing, I do not do programming, so I forget the little that I once knew. Therefore, from time to time I try to recover losses. In search of a free development environment, I came across the mention of the Code :: Blocks program on the site, which is shown on the cover, and, looking through the written, on the story of the C ++ language. It seemed to me that this story is the most practical of what I have met before. I do not know the author, but I hope he will not mind translating his story. But even more I hope that his story will be useful to those who begin to get familiar with the C programming language.

Download the story by the link: ZIP archive
Leave your opinions on the translation and the wishes for the author in the comments.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255101/

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