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JPMorgan advises Google Checkout to work on themselves

Agency JPMorgan published a report on the results of a study on the behavior of online shopping. A special place in the report is occupied by the statistics of the use of popular payment systems - Google Checkout and PayPal . During the survey, 1,000 people were interviewed.

The agency notes good prospects for Checkout, linking them primarily with Google’s ability to advertise its products, the policy of aggressive promotion of the system among online store owners, etc. Google Checkout is used by 6% of buyers, according to a report at JPMorgan (42% of respondents use PayPal to pay for goods on the Internet).

According to statistics, the average buyer using Checkout is younger than the PayPal user. Checkout users have more than those whose income exceeds $ 75,000 per year (34% versus 25% for PayPal). However, those who are satisfied with this payment system are significantly less than the main competitor users: 19% for Checkout versus 44% for PayPal.
43% of respondents say that PayPal will remain faithful and do not plan to switch to Google Checkout.

JPMorgan advises Google to actively work on improving the service and continue its promotion in the market.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/2551/

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