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Digest of April hackathons, mitaps and other technological events in Moscow and not only


Attention: on a part of the presented actions you will be allowed even in white dressing gowns. And almost all of the listed events should capture your laptop!

In today's digest of the most interesting techno-elements, we will tell you where to practice solving real problems facing insurers or bioinformatics and find like-minded people in Moscow, the region, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Chelny and Nizhny Novgorod.

Let's start with hackathons.

Hack'n'Roll - Hackathon with a “prelude” and a sequel

When and where: April 18-19 (24 hours + final), Moscow, m. “Kurskaya”.
Free registration. Features: the prototype should definitely earn in the final :) There will also be a potential partner (or even a customer), the opportunity to get acquainted with the projects in advance - they will be worked out by marketing guys all week long before the hackathon. Plus cookies and other coffee breaks.

Hack'n'Roll is a whole series that starts with finding solutions for the insurance market: Initially, these are mobile and web services for Renaissance Insurance (they are ready to talk about cooperation with the most interesting teams), but no one will prevent developing them as your individual products.

A week before the hackathon, guys with a penchant for management and marketing will begin to work out solutions, on the night of the 256th day of the year you will be able to implement them, and in the afternoon of April 19 everyone will have to wait for the final with the distribution of elephants.

Genehack - bioinformatics hackathon

When and where: April 10-12 (42 hours), Dolgoprudny (based on MIPT)

Registration is free, but there is a fee to confirm participation 300 rubles. - but they will be returned to the participants who came to the event. Features: projects, really applicable in medicine, coffee breaks, transfer from metro station “Altufyevo” and accommodation in hotel rooms of MIPT for participants are included.

To declare a project here, it is necessary that it can have a real application in science or medicine. The special curator is ready to help determine the applicability of what you have in mind. To enroll as a participant, you need to have 300 rubles - but they will, I repeat, be returned.

At the site, you will form teams of 3-5 people (they will include both programmers and young specialists in molecular biology and bioinformatics) and get 42 hours to work on projects.

Hackathon FRIA in Nizhny Novgorod

When and where: April 17-19, Nizhny Novgorod (location to be confirmed)

Registration is free . Features: in parallel with the work on the project, it will be possible to listen to lectures on designing interfaces for complex developments, attracting pre-seed investments, etc.

The Internet Initiatives Development Fund gathers programmers, designers, UX-ers, marketers, and PR specialists on IT topics. You can come in with a ready-made team or assemble it on site, get 48 hours to develop a prototype, simultaneously listen to lectures, and at the end collect feedback from the jury.

Continue mitapami.

Moscow Django Meetup

When and where: the evening of April 7, Moscow, m. “Kurskaya”

free registration

At the 26th meeting of metropolitan Python-ists, Grigory Petrov will tell the unusual about the naming of variables (a survey tour of stuffing meta-information into the code is included in the program), and Mikhail Krivushin about the inconveniences of virtualenv and pip - and their alternatives.

GameDev Day # 2

When and where: April 11, Moscow, Novoslobodskaya metro station

free registration

This Saturday, game developers and Unity experts will help beginners dive into the big and multi-faceted world of the gaming industry.

GEEK Industrial MeetUP

When and where: April 18, Moscow, m. Okhotny Ryad.

free registration

Here will discuss the results of CES (there will be those who visited the exhibition), the latest innovations in the world of gadgets and the future of wearable electronics. It is planned that the event will bring together all the parties involved: developers and engineers, designers and entrepreneurs, investors and electronics suppliers.

Microsoft Mobile Dev Meetup

When and where: April 22, Moscow, Tretyakovskaya metro station

free registration

The current meeting will be devoted to both the triune Windows 10 itself and the development tools for the new operating system, which Microsoft presented to the public only a few weeks ago.

And a few unusual formats.

Continuation of Silicon Valley - a series about developers and entrepreneurs

When and where: from April 14 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in Moscow (m. “Kurskaya”), St. Petersburg (in Demola), and Kazan (Navigator Campus), Naberezhnye Chelny (IT park).

free registration

In the first season, three developers, one accidentally clinging and one Scrum fan collected all the rakes of starting their own project, suffered severely from a costly freelancer and rebuilt their system the night before TcehCrunch.

This year we again agreed with the Amediatek to show the continuation of the adventures of the Pied Piper. Again free. Now in three cities, and perhaps we will connect more.

As usual, the program will have many interesting interviews before the series, and among their heroes will be the developers.

For example, on April 14, Maxim Nogotkov will speak at us (he failed to learn about the programmer, founded Svyaznoy), on May 5 Bayram Annakov will talk about the technological foundation of the concept of growth hacking, and on June 9, Grigory Bakunov agreed to tell about the difficult path of the Evangelist.

Championship "Iron Entrepreneur"

When and where: April 22, Moscow, MSTU. Bauman

free registration

The competition is held according to a scheme similar to hackathons - the participants unite in teams and at the first stage come up with as many ideas as possible to apply new technologies. Then each team selects the most promising idea from a business point of view - and in an hour develops a business model, assesses the market, determines the target audience and promotion methods. In the finals you stand before the jury, and the team with the best result is invited to the semifinal of the championship.

Star Wars Nights on April 18 and 25 at the Central House of Artists

And that says it all :) Fee .

That's all for today. Surely you know many more interesting and useful events in different cities, so do not hesitate to give links to great events in the comments.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/255077/

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